Jun 22

The Weirdest Weather On The Planet!

We Are IF writes “It’s all around us, sometimes it’s good, other times its bad, being British it a little of an obsession and usually the starting topic for small talk. Weather!

The climate is a “hot topic” pun intended, at the moment. There are those that say we are heading down the road of irreversible change that will see the world becoming an increasingly hotter place and eventually uninhabitable.

Others say that this a scam and that since the cause became popular after the being championed by Al Gore. It’s been an exaggerated threat.

One thing is true, weather can get weird from raining frogs to strange lights in the sky.
Lets take a look at some of the strangest weather that has had people battening down the hatches.”

2 Responses to “The Weirdest Weather On The Planet!”

    • Charles R

      Wow. Where Chico is located it could have been a or some mischievous Sasquatches. Or very possible some other force at work, aliens maybe, maybe something we just do not understand as yet.

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