A short-order cook who lived in the Fontana area since the 1940s, said over the years friends of his shared stories about the “Speedway Monster.” He couldn’t elaborate but said “some old-timers” told him that back in 1951-52, a crowd of fans at the Fontana Speedway saw, at a distance, what seemed to be a hairy, two-legged giant criss-cross an open field. The criss-crossing creature appeared in the same area “quite a few times” in the early 1950s the 60’s 70’s and even the 80’s. Despite repeated sightings of the Speedway Monster during all of these decades, no one apparently ever got close enough to identify it clearly.
In 1991, on several successive nights the John Davis family heard “something heavy on two legs” run across their chicken yard. “The footfalls were so heavy-sounding the house shook,” said Mrs. Davis. Mr. Davis found several of his chickens completely flattened one morning, “…as if something played hopscotch on those birds.” The Davis’ youngest son glimpsed what he described as a “real big, gray-colored ape.” A section of fencing was pulled up and pet dogs howled and cowered indoors at night. The Davis home is the home you see as you travel north on Summit Ave and is located at the base of the foothills of Lytle Creek.
Also in 1992, on Foothill and areas to the east, several reports came in from a couple of families traveling on Foothill about a family of Big Foots crossing over the tracks that crossed over Foothill down where Ace Hardware is located.
But once the drag strip was closed after a particular nasty accident which resulted in the beheading of the driver involved, reports of Bigfoot activity in Fontana also stopped
But, as it turns out, there are plenty of other Bigfoot sightings in Southern California. In fact, according to Bobbie Short, webmaster of the Bigfoot site, the first ever sightings of Sasquatch were here.
“Sasquatches have been reported in remote locations of Southern California since the early 1700s,” Short says. “The mission padres wrote about them.”
One account appeared in 1876 in a San Diego newspaper. Turner Helm’s partner said the two were prospecting in different areas of Warner’s Ranch when Helm saw a man covered with thick black hair, like that of a bear, but with a man’s face.
“He was a man of about medium size,” Helms’ partner said, “and had rather fine features — not at all like those of an Indian but more like an American or Spaniard.
“Mr. Helm spoke to the singular creature, first in English and then Spanish and then in Indian but the man remained silent. Mr. Helm called to me, but the wind was blowing so hard that I could not hear him. The wild man then turned and went over the hill and was soon out of sight.”
In 1993, a camper in Barton Flats reported being awakened in the middle of the night by footsteps outside the van he was sleeping in. Suddenly the van began rocking violently. The camper yelled and the rocking stopped. When he shined his flashlight out the van window, he says he saw a figure covered with hair, walking upright like a man as it headed into the forest.
Robert P