May 30

The Monster of Lake Tota

Bob Gymlan writes “This video is about a creature that allegedly inhabits the largest lake in Colombia, Lake Tota. I’m skeptical of lake monster claims, but the creature’s origin, mythology, history, and context is certainly fascinating.

A few notes.
#1. I watched three docs on the Muisca, every expert pronounced it differently: Moose-ee-kuh, Mew-Skuh, Music-huh. I couldn’t find a single British expert saying it out loud, so I can’t be certain which is correct. (that was a joke, but damn do they have credibility with pronunciation)

#2. I spent all night cobbling this together. I’m not certain if the video at 1:22 is intentional or not… It seems like an accident, but it kind of makes sense. So…

#3. Can you find the hidden lions?”

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