Jul 6

The Diary of Elkanah Walker

Elkanah Walker

Diary of Elkanah Walker, pioneer American missionary in Washington State to the Spokane Indians, he wrote:

“Bear with me if I trouble you with a little of their superstitions. They believe in a race of giants, which inhabit a certain mountain off to the west of us. This mountain is covered with perpetual snow. They (the creatures) inhabit the snow peaks. They hunt and do all their work at night. They are men stealers.

They come to the people’s lodges at night when the people are asleep and take them and put them under their skins and to their place of abode without even waking. Their track is a foot and a half long. They steal salmon from Indian nets and eat then raw as the bears do. If the people are awake, they always know when they are coming very near by their strong smell that is most intolerable. It is not uncommon for them to come in the night and give three whistles and then the stones will begin to hit their houses.” (Drury 1976, pp. 122-123)


Reverend Walker’s established mission was approximately located twenty-five miles northwest of present day Spokane, WA. His diary entry of the snow peak to the west could be one of several peaks in the Cascade Range such as Mt. Baker, Mt. Rainier, Mt Adams or Mount St. Helens or possibly he could have meant Mt. Hood on the Oregon side of the Columbia River. Some Sasquatch researchers, generally believe the missionary was referring to Mt. St. Helens which has always carried legends of Sasquatches, ape-like men and of course the 1924 story of Fred Beck in Ape Canyon.

Missionary Walker also penned pre-civil war references to this beautiful Mt. St. Helens as a place where the white man and the Indians never frequented “and who assert it is inhabited by a race of beings of a different species, who are cannibals and whom they hold in great dread.”



Source: http://www.bigfootencounters.com/

16 Responses to “The Diary of Elkanah Walker”

  1. Patrick F

    Why can’t the general population accept that history is full of intelligent people just as critical and observant as we are today. Even more so observent of the natural world which they were part of and relied upon on a daily basis. They would know each and every creature in there world and be able to describe there movements and habits like clockwork. But one mention of a sasquatch and suddenly they are talking nonsense! One day they will know the truth. Great post

  2. Christopher c

    I just got a call from my Karuk buddy and he was excited to say that he has some activity going on around his property ,he stated that he has found foot prints of several Sasquatch ,one looks to have a footprint around 11″ and two others that are 16″ and he says that he believes that they have made a track way through the property to get down to the creek to cool off during the daytime as it has been really hot ,he says that they basically have knocked all the dead branches down along the trail going to the creek but the weirdest thing that he has come across was he found what he thought was a birds nest on the trail through the property to the creek and as he turned it over it had a baby flat footed footprint in it like it was some sort of thong -he only found one and he says it appears to have feces in it as well so he put it in a box and is saving it so I can see it, he says he also has found a huge leg bone of something he can’t identify yet ,lastly the other night he could hear the things coming down the trail and he says one of them slapped a tree really loud as they were heading towards the creek. I can’t wait to get up there soon!

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