Jan 22

The Confessionals: Abductions Stopped By Jesus

On Episode 154: Abductions Stopped by Jesus, we sit down with MUFON Investigator Joe Jordan. Joe started out as a typical investigator, looking into people’s reports of unidentified flying objects. But then, Joe began to come across cases of people being abducted by an unknown force. What is even more unusual is that he has collected well over 100 cases of these abductions that were stopped abruptly when the abductee claimed the name of Jesus Christ in the process of being abducted.

12 Responses to “The Confessionals: Abductions Stopped By Jesus”

  1. Elaine L

    As a person who was raised in a Christian home (professing not confessing) as I grew older, and began to devote my life and learn about Jesus I started to be bothered by horrible things. With each passing day/week I would be constantly ‘bothered’ by beings usually at sleep time or night time. From the usual episodes of paralysis and horrible dreams asleep and awake to seeing beings. I began having episodes of being touched lightly and roughly to even being verbally yelled at to frighten me. It got to a point where I was reading and learning more about Jesus. who we are in Him and so importantly the ability and power He has given us through Him. Two important Bible verses I always refer to is “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.” ~ Luke 10:19 and “… You, little children, are from God and have overcome them (evil demons) because greater is He (Jesus) who is in you than he (Satan) who is in the world. They are in the world. That is why they speak from the world’s perspective, and the world listens to them.…” ~ 1 John 4:4-5 There are many other verses of this nature teaching us that we have great power through Jesus all for His glory…not ours. Eventually, these occurrences started to lessen over time while I gained strength from Jesus. I always know when I have not fellowship with Jesus for a bit because I start to be bothered by the ‘nasty greeblies’. That gets me back on track with the Father and less of the world. Besides being a Christian and changing my life for Jesus there was a book written by a Christian man that I found helpful with these demonic oppressions and VERY REAL horrible visits that book is …” Sleep Paralysis: What It Is and How To Stop It by Chris White”. As believers, we have such power but it is taught and learned through God’s “Word” which is ‘The Bible’- that are the inherrant words of God! ~ Blessings

  2. Cathy S

    This was an excellent show! Yes Jesus is the answer to all this weird things happening from sasquatch to orbs and beyond. We live in a spiritual world. Our fight is not in flesh and blood but in spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6.

  3. ~**~

    In my opinion,
    aliens, UFOs are not part of the demonic realm.
    They are from worlds not like our own.
    Jesus, Christ, Lord God, all names he goes by, indeed stop evil intentions.
    Wes, I’m glad you include a wide variety of subject matter for all to ponder.

    • Connie O

      @Nerida, this happens more frequently than people might realize. The thing is , is that they aren’t ghosts but demons. Calling out Jesus name was the best thing you could have done! Thank God, you did that. Here are some encouraging verses. Ephesians 6:17, Romans 10:13, Luke 10:17, 1John 4:4, Philippians 2:10-11.

  4. Jay Carlsen

    In 1987 just 2 weeks after I turned 16 yrs old , a very good Friend of Mine & I were involved in a Motorcycle Accident when a Car backed out ahead of us. We hit the vehicle broadside doing 65 – 70 mph , and my Friend bounced off the Roof – Breaking His Jaw , left Collarbone , and His left Arm. Since I was riding bitch ( His Bike ) I was catapulted 100 – 110 feet through the Air , landing on the back of my Helmet – breaking it into 2 Pieces. I sustained a Basillar Skull Fracture , broken Neck , 9 broken Ribs , I broke my left Knee , and also the first Digit on my left Foot ( Big Toe ). I was paralyzed on my left Side for the 8 Days that I was in the Coma , 2 weeks after I woke up I was walking again , 2 weeks after that I was released to Outpatient Care , after 3 months I was starting back to High School , I skipped the 10th Grade , and I still Graduated with my Class of 1990. BLAH …. Blah …. blah ………
    But just as I returned to School , my Friend had gotten me aside and He apologized to me. He told me that He was Sorry I was Hurt SO Bad , and How He had felt ashamed when they Released Him that very night. While I was left in I.C.U hooked up to the Life Support. He even told me that He would have Switched me Places if He could….. ( now please understand that I was hurt pretty bad. And I just wanted everyone to treat me as they have always done. ( which was they didn’t. I was not Popular in School ) But after this Accident I had People who never even talked to me before , acting like we were best Friends ……. I failed to foresee this coming. I did not expect an Apology – ESPECIALLY from Him !) And I took this ALL Wrong. ( Like what are you trying to Say ? That I am Retarded Now ?) And so I snapped back at Him ‘ What the Fuck are you talking about ?!? ………. LOOK. I am ALL Better now. ……… See ? They have let me out ! ‘ ( of the Hospital ) And it was left at That.
    2 days later my friend put a 22 caliber rifle in his mouth and ended his own life. And maybe No one told Him that I wouldn’t see my Full Recovery until I turned 27 – 28 years old ? ……… what can you do ?
    And this was where I turned my Back on my Sunday School Understanding of the Ancient Text. From this point Forward in my Life I was a Devout Unbeliever. And I was DAMN GOOD AT IT.
    The Marine Corp does not take broken People like me. So THANK GOD for the Oilfield ! I began working the Oilfield in 1992 doing Seismic Survey , mapping underground Formations to tell the Rigs where to Drill. And sometime in the month of August 2001 ( notice the Time Frame ?) After Work one night back at the Motel I had the CRAZIEST DREAM I had ever have had before in my Life ! And in this Crazy Dream I was much Older than I was at the Time that I had it ? I had different aches & pains that I couldn’t account for right off Hand ? …….. My Back Hurt ?
    And in this Crazy Dream I was carrying something Heavy on my Shoulders ? ( I do not know if it was Equipment ? or a 7 Horse Chrysler 2 – Stroke Backpack Drill ? All I knew was that it was Heavy ) I was Sweating Rivers. I was walking down our ‘line’ , going up into Woods that were not Familiar to me ? As the Trees were all small & scrubby looking – NOT like the Hardwood Forest of Northern Michigan. And the Ground was very Rocky.
    As I walk , I can hear people talking back & forth on the Handheld Radio that was clipped to my Belt. But I am 1/2 assed listening to it ( just in case Someone calls for me )
    Since I am bent by this Weight on my Back , my Focus is right before my walking Feet. And I am watching our Equipment , making certain it is all Laid Out over on the left of ‘line’ …..And it is So. ……….. good.
    As I am walking , I am keeping track of the Flags I walk past. For every Other Flag I make sure to count the Shot Holes that are all Drilled over on the right of ‘line’ – well away from Our Equipment. And everything is in Order ………………. good , Good.
    I pick my way down this Steep Hillside , where at the bottom a large Clearing in the forest opens up before me. And I can see that our ‘line’ crosses this Field lengthwise then climbs another Steep Hill on the other side & back into the Woods again. And 1/2 way up that far Hill where the Wood Line is ; That would make a Perfect Spot to take me a Break ( if only for a minute ) So I shift the Weight on my Shoulders and I strikeout to cross this Field as Quickly as I possibly Can ! I am walking through Tall Mustard Weeds , the Sun is Beating Down , NO WIND. So I assume late in the Summertime ? When I reach the base of this Hill and start my ascent , I glance up into this Shade looking for a good spot that I can set this Down – when 2 Hands Slide Into my Back ! And Picks me up – like by my Shoulder Blades ! ( which doesn’t hurt – but it Feels Disgusting ! Because Nobodies Hands are suppose to be IN there like that ! ) And who ever this is ? They can “SEE” right through me ( and so can I ) And they are repulsed to touch me because I am SO DIRTY. I am QUICK with the Flimsy Excuse of ‘ Well ? What do You expect ? OF COURSE I am dirty , I am working here.’ When this Voice inside my Head tells me ” It Is Your Time To Go Now , Are You Ready ? ” …………… what ?
    ……. wait a minute here , I am Confused. And so I Protest ‘ Go ? But I can not GO Anywhere ? I am Working Here.’ When I am Told to ” Never Mind That Now. NOW Is Your Time , Are You Ready ?” When the thought of 2 Young Children , with an Older Child behind ( who are ALL BLONDS – I can not tell if Girl /boy?) This Thought begins to Pull at my Heart. And I PLEAD ‘ BUT WHAT ABOUT MY FAMILY ? What about my Friends ?’ And I was reassured ” They (childrens) Are Fine. But You Must Tell Me NOW , Are You Ready ?’ But I need a moment , too Process…. There I am – 3 feet in the Air – Someone has their Hands IN my Back – Talking to me inside of my Head – And I conclude that THIS has never happened to Me before ! …… So it must be Legit ! I said ‘ Ok , I am Ready ‘ But I am told ” SPIT THOSE OUT ! HE DOESN’T WANT TO SEE YOU WITH THOSE !”
    ……… shit. Busted , Now I am Bummed. And I said to myself ‘ Fucking Damn It ! I just paid $1,000.00 for those Last Week P’TTUEY ! ‘ And I spit out my Top Denture , and I reach inside my Mouth and unsnap the Lower Denture from the Mounts embedded in my Lower Jaw. And I let them fall…………
    And I see my Boots ! And just below them the Ground Disappears !
    Tree Tops !
    Clouds !
    …..Then BAM ! There I am standing on top of the Ozone , looking at my Feet. Just below is the Gulf of Mexico , before me I can see the lower part of the North American Continent ( but not Michigan , because I lose it to the Horizon ) to my far left is Mexico , below & behind me is South America , and to my right I see a few Islands – then Ocean. The Voice inside my Head comforts me ” It Is Ok , You Are Alright. You Can Stand On It ……… Like A Table ” But even before that I am Startled by the Fact that my Head Injury is GONE ! ( JUST LIKE THAT ! Faster than magic ! ) And I said to myself ‘ What the Fuck ?!? Is THIS what it is like ??? Not To Have That Head Injury Anymore !?! ‘
    ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. GONE ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
    And I lift my face up in Awe ! And HEY ! Right Back Over There is the MOON ! Just hanging there above the Planet ! And now that I see it , it is bigger than I thought !
    I look Straight Up and see ALL the Stars in the Sky !
    I glance over my left Shoulder and 2 Planets away I see the Sun , just burning at the center of Our Solar System.
    And my Attention is drawn back when it is Announced ” ON YOUR KNEES , YOU ARE IN THE PRESENCE OF THE SON OF MAN ” And I fall Flat on my Face – looking Down. And at the Sudden , like a Billion LOUD , Roaring , Pissed OFF , Disappointed , Terrible Voices all said in Unison “‘ WATCH WHAT THEY DO ‘” and I am watching , when I see Fire jump up from the Ground Below ! Big Fire ! Nuclear Fire ! Delaware , Maryland , Virginia , North / South Carolina , Georgia , West Virginia , ohio , Indiana , Illinois , Kentucky , Tennessee , Alabama And I scream out in Horror ‘ WHY DID YOU LET THEM DO THAT FOR ? ‘
    Then I woke up. Isn’t that CRAZY ?

    • Connie O

      @Jay, I’m glad you made it through your accident and so sorry about your friend. My personal opinion is you were gifted to have the dream you described. Many people don’t get that chance. I think that was angels asking if you are ready spiritually to face God. It was also a warning of things to come. Do you believe Jesus died on the cross for your sins and rose again? Do you believe He is the Son of God? Have you asked Jesus into your heart and life as your Lord and Savior and asked forgiveness of your sins? If you have, you are ready, if you haven’t you aren’t ready and if you pass, you can’t spend eternity in heaven. You have been given a second chance. Read Romans 10:9-17. So, the question is again Jay, are you ready?

  5. Jeremy B

    I experienced these UAP’s a few weeks ago while camping in a National Forest in TX. The circumstances he described is EXACTLY like what he said!!! In the middle of the forest with crystal clear skies there were as many as 6 different weird lights in the sky at one time & the forest was completely silent except for an occasional 600 lb owl hooting @100 yards away from me!! After watching these different colored lights floating around, I heard a weird eerie electronic sounding buzz about 10 yds away from me. I had a very bad vibe & it seemed to be escalating!! I got in my car after hearing the electronic buzzing sound so close to me. I ended up sleeping in my vehicle instead of in my tent. It was a very strange & eventful night to say the least & just can’t get over how silent the woods were!!

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