Texas– A man says a group of tall ape-like creatures entered his property and climbed up onto the roof of his northern Texas house.
“I was currently staying at my parents place when I had finished college, ” Courts Griner, a man in his mid-thirties, told Cryptozoology News in an interview. “I was chatting with my girlfriend online, now wife, at around 1 a.m. when I began to hear movement in the front of the house outside,” he added about the November 2005 encounter.
The noise, says Griner, was unusual so he decided it’d be best to leave and go to his girlfriend’s house in Dallas. As he headed out of his parent’s residence, something else caught his attention.
“I was a bit creeped out,” he said. “That is when I caught a quick view of two large individuals cross the front lawn along the fence line.”
According to the eyewitness, the creatures had “broad shoulders” and were over 8 feet tall.
“When seeing this, that was the last straw… I was pretty scared. I had my mother come with me to the porch, because whatever was out there I wanted her to see as well when I opened up that front door.”
As they walked out to the front porch, the man claims they could hear “loud thuds on a tree coming from the fence line in the pasture”.
“I then heard the branch from the oak at the side of the house tree hit against gutter and several ‘footsteps’ ontop of the roof,” said Griner. “I am to this day guessing… that possibly a younger juvenile creature may have gone up the tree and got onto the roof of our home. I was not at the time going to investigate. I told my mother to go ahead and get inside, lock the door and call the authorities if they hear anything near the house.”
He then reportedly got into his car and “left for the night”.
The following day, he explains, at around 2.30 p.m., he returned to his parents’ house and “ventured out into the pasture along the fence line” when he noticed “something large and rust colored in the lightly wooded treeline” at around 300 yards and on the neighbor’s property. According to the man, he had a “pair of binoculars” that helped him see the alleged creature up close.
Griner poses for a photograph taken during his investigative Bigfoot hikes in the Texan woods. Credit: Courts Griner/Blake Downing
“I saw what appeared to be a very large orangutan,” he recalls. “It was on all fours and viewed me, rocking back and forth, from behind a cedar tree. It would lean out, then lean back behind it again. It then looked to its left and then, slowly, rose up to a height of 8 or 9 feet… it then gracefully walked with both arms swaying to its left and lowered again near the ground. That is when I saw a second one behind it.”
And as the two animals “rocked back and fourth”, they would also look at one another and move their mouths, as though they were communicating.
“They appeared to be talking,” said Griner, “and as I crossed the pasture I noticed something big and black moving through the woods coming the opposite direction. At the time, yes… I had a small digital camera with very-not-useful 55 mm lens. At that time, there was absolutely no detail of any subjects through that lens at 300 yards. There was much more I could see through the binoculars. I looked through them and saw the third Bigfoot creature on all fours viewing me from behind a small cedar tree. It was a little closer, but still at 200 yards to our treeline of our woods. It sat there and look at me, and then looked left in the direction the others were in the property next door. I did not want to venture closer to it for a possible picture due to my safety. I very much regret that to this day.”
But he was able to take a close peek at the purported cryptids. The ones standing on his neighbor’s property had “well built” bodies with broad at the shoulders, arms hung down close to their knees”. They had a “rounded head like a chimp”.
“They moved very gracefully and I could see the muscles in legs moving. I believe it to be an adult and possibly a younger adult together.”
The third creature, which walked all the way to Griner’s property, was “was also very big”.
“It was on all fours and atleast 4 and a half or more as it sat couched on its knuckles behind the cedar tree. It had caucasian skin color, roundish chimp head, more of a short beard, was charcoal black in color and surprisingly I could see faintly, it had grey in its bearded area. I also could see its chest going in and out as it breathed. He seemed to be an adult or close to it,” he explained. To this day, Griner is certain that what he saw that day were “Bigfoots” and that it wasn’t a “prank or a hoax”. “The physical qualities of the creatures were of flesh and blood. I know what bears look like. We do not have bears in northern Texas.”
As to why he didn’t try to take a picture of the monkey-looking critters even though he had a camera, Griner says that was the last thing in his mind at the moment.
“I believe one, I was in shock at what I was seeing, and two, the subjects could not be seen at that length of distance,” he said. “I could see much more through the binoculars. Now, I bring a variety of long lenses on every outing in the event that I have the opportunity again. I hope to have that type of encounter with that much detail.”
Griner has now become a Bigfoot investigator and is a member of the Timberline Bigfoot Team, a research group whose mission is “to search for viable, physical evidence of the existence of the creatures collectively called Sasquatch or Bigfoot.”
Bigfoot sightings in the Lone Star State are unusual. Possibly more known to cryptozoology enthusiasts and paranormal investigators, Susan Sullivan series of books, Texas Bigfoot, documented the purported encounters with the beast that she and her family have been experiencing throughout the years on her Texas property.
Charles R
How can a son leave his mother at a time like this.
He was “creeped out” and left, but left his Mom there? Hmmmm……. I wonder what she thought about that! Sounds like a great excuse for a girlfriend visit.
Aaron A
“Well, mom? You’re on your own. Sorry.”
tom b
This has the smell of a made up story.
Scott B
Mom, you remember telling me about “tough love”, well it is tough to leave you, but I am chicken and need my girlfriends protection! What a wimp!!!!
Tyler D
Right, I would have taken my mom with me instead of leavin her
Tyler D
Mom, I’m tryin to get some booty. You can deal with this til tomorrow right??
Jacqueline N
Why would you leave your mom in that situation! Don’t understand! Sounds strange to me!
caroline v
If you reread it, it says he told his mom to lock the door and call authoritis if “they” hear it come close to the house. Perhaps someone else was also in the house???
The guy is a complete dick, yeah mom I’m gonna leave you and dad to these things that have me totally scared shitless, and by the way there is one on the roof, but just go inside and lock the door and you’ll be good, I’ll come back when it’s light and if you are still alive we’ll have coffee OK?