Mar 27

Strange News: Mushrooms Growing On Surface Of Red Planet

New photographs of ‘Martian mushrooms’ have left some scientists convinced that there is life on the Red Planet. A new study published in the Journal of Astrobiology builds upon 15 images captured by NASA’s Curiosity Rover.



As part of its two-year mission, Curiosity trained its camera on what appears to be algae, lichen and mushrooms. The photos seem to show the potential life forms growing larger and emerging from the red sands of Mars.

4 Responses to “Strange News: Mushrooms Growing On Surface Of Red Planet”

  1. Stephanie G

    Thanks Wes! My five year old grandson will just love this info. He is as attached to planets as I am to Sasquatch. His upcoming 5 year birthday is planet themed and we are told to come as an astronaut or our favorite planet. Hm? How am I gonna pull that of?!

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