Jun 7

Strange light on my grandparents farm

A listener writes “I’ve been meaning to write about this for some time, then you had that last show where Matt talked about being out coon hunting and running into a red ball of light.

I really enjoyed that episode and am interested in these things because of what happened on my mom’s farm growing up in Raymond Alberta Canada. She has now passed on, so I can’t ask her for more details but I will share what I remember she told us many years back. Her father, my grandfather was a cattle rancher up there in Raymond and mom was born in 1913. That was an era where most people did not yet have vehicles to drive around in and still were relying on the buggy and horse for transportation. Their farm was pretty remote with their nearest neighbor being 11 miles away. Grandpa built the house they lived in and I am not sure they even had electricity at that time while my mother and her siblings were growing up on the farm. They probably just relied on the old kerosene lamps for light at night.

I should make note too that they lived near a Blackfoot Indian reservation and their were Indian burial grounds in the region round about. That is a story for another time! My grandfather had a scary experience while crossing an Indian burial ground. But mom told the story that at night and I do not know if it was every night but there was a ball of light out there in the fields quite a distance from their house. I remember her telling us that it was a round white ball of light, not too big and not too small that they could easily see it from the distance of their home. Of course, members of the family were highly curious about what it was and tried to go out and investigate. I would imagine that my grandpa went out to see what it was and try to check it out.

As I mentioned their were no electric lights and their neighbors being so far away, and no cars being driven anywhere in the vicinity it was very curious to the family. But mom said that when they went out to investigate that the light always moved further away out in the field. When they first homesteaded there, grandpa planted on the outskirts a lot of trees that would make a good wind break when they grew, but the trees would have taken quite a few years to get that big. I do not remember what kind of trees they were but the terrain around their farm was mostly prairie for as far as the eye could see. So the light would be visible and there were not forests for it to be obscured in.

I do not remember that she mentioned whether or not they could see through the light. Nor did it seem to light up things around it. But the way I remember her telling it, they would go in search of it and it always moved away and just alluded them. But then as they were heading back to the house it seemed to “move with them” always keeping a distance. Mom did not mention that they felt any fear of the light but an interesting thing to note was that mom and her siblings always felt afraid to go out there at night.

There was no indoor toilet and they had an outhouse they used that was a distance from the property. There were coyotes that came near the home to try to steal the chickens so there were other things the kids felt afraid of beside the light. I wish mom was still here and I could ask her more about it but that is what I remember about that encounter they had with a strange light. Also, it was just the one light, not multiple lights.

I would love you to do more shows about the lights by the way! They are very interesting to me. The shows are always top notch but I love it when you branch out into the Dogman and lights and other things on occasion. Thanks for all you do.”

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