Oct 29

Strange Familiars: Dream Warning

Tim writes “Jay shares stories of haunted residences, shadow figures, deja reve, and a dream that may have saved his life.”

2 Responses to “Strange Familiars: Dream Warning”

  1. Jay Carlsen

    ……… this has been at me ever since I listened to this. There is only one way to tell this and it is the Long Way. Please bare with me.
    In 1987 just 2 weeks after I turned 16 yrs old , My Friend & I was involved in a Motorcycle Accident when a car backed out onto the Road ahead of us. And we hit the vehicle broadside and my friend bounced off the Roof Breaking His Jaw , left Collarbone , and His left Arm. Since I was riding passenger I was catapulted 100 – 110 feet through the air , landing on the back side of my Helmet – breaking it into 2 pieces. And I sustained a Basillar Skull Fracture , broken Neck , 9 broken Ribs , I broke my left Knee , and the first Digit on my left Foot ( Big Toe ) I was close to Death.
    I was paralyzed on my left side for the 8 days I was in the Coma , Two Weeks after I woke up I was Walking again ! Two Week later I was released to Outpatient Care , I skipped the 10th Grade , and I still Graduating with my Class of 1990. BLAH …. Blah …. blah …….
    But just as I returned to High School my Friend had gotten me aside and He apologized to me. ( I had failed to foresee this coming , and I thought he was joking ) He told me that He was sorry that I was Hurt SO Bad , and how He had felt ashamed when they Released Him that very night. While I was left in the ICU hooked up to the Life Support. He even told me He would have Switched me Places ?
    And I took this ALL WRONG. ( Like what are you trying to say ? That I am Retarded Now ? ) And I snapped back at Him ‘ What the (4 letter word) are you talking about ? ….Look. I am ALL Better Now ! ….See ? They have let me out.’ (Of the Hospital) and it was left at That.
    2 days later my friend put a 22 caliber rifle in his mouth and ended his own life.
    Maybe nobody told Him that I wouldn’t see my full Recovery until I had turned 27 – 28 years old ? What can ya do ? This was when I turned my back on my Sunday School Understanding of the Ancient Text. For from this point forward in my Life I was a Devout Unbeliever. ( and I was Pretty Good at it )
    1992 I began working in the Oilfield doing Seismic Survey , mapping underground Formations to tell the Rigs Where to Drill. When sometime in the Month of August 2001 ( notice the Time Frame ?) after work back at the Motel I had the CRAZIEST DREAM I have ever had before in my entire Life ! And in this Crazy Dream I was MUCH OLDER than I was at the Time , I had different aches & pains that I couldn’t account for right off hand ? …. My Back Hurt ?
    And in this Crazy Dream I am BACK at work again , and I am carrying something Heavy on my Shoulders ( I do not know if it is Equipment ? or a 7 horse Chrysler 2 Stroke Backpack Drill ? All I know is that it IS Heavy ) I am Sweating Rivers , as it is very hot & Humid outside.I am walking down our ‘line’ and I am going up into Woods that are not familiar to me ? As all the Trees are small & scrubbing looking , not like the Hardwood Forest of Northern Michigan. And the Ground is very Rocky ( Also Unlike Michigan )
    I can hear People talking back & forth across the Handheld Radio that is clipped to my Belt. But I am 1/2 assed ( which is a 5 letter word) listening to it ( Just in case someone calls for me ? ) Since I am bent by this Weight on my Shoulders my focus is right before my walking Feet. And I am watching our Equipment as I am making certain it is all Laid Out over on the left of ‘line’ , and so far it has been ….good.
    As I walk I am counting the flags I walk past , for every other Flag I count the Shot Holes that are all Drilled over on the right of ‘line’ ; and everything is loaded and waiting for the Shooters. And so far everything is in Order. ….good , Good.
    I pick my way down a Steep Hill where at the bottom a large Clearing in the Forest opens up before me.and I can see that our line crosses this Field then climbs another steep Hill over on the Far Side. And 1/2 way up that next Hill where our ‘line’ goes back into the woods again , is a Well Shaded Spot that would be Perfect to take me a Break !
    So I shift the Weight on my Shoulders and I strikeout to cross this Field as Quickly as I can. I am walking through Tall Mustard Weeds , the Sun is Beating Down , NO WIND , so I assume late in the Summertime ? ……..MAYBE ? When I reach the base of this Hill to start my ascent , I glance up into this Shade looking for a good spot that I can set this Down – When 2 Hands slide INTO My Back and Picks me up from the Ground ! ( doesn’t Hurt , but it does feel Gross ! Because Nobodies Hands are suppose to be IN there like that !) When this Voice inside my Head tells me ” It Is Your Time To Go Now , Are You Ready ? ” …… what ?
    ….wait a minute here , I am confused ; and so I protest ‘ Go ? But I can not GO Anywhere ? I am Working right now , I am on the Clock ? ‘ And the Voice inside my Head tells me to ” Nevermind That Now , Now Is Your Time , Are You Ready ? ” and the thought of 2 Young Children with an Older Child just behind begins to Pull at my Heart ( Who are all BLONDS – I can not tell if Girl /boy?) And I Plead ‘ BUT WHAT ABOUT MY FAMILY ? What about my Friends ? ‘ And I was reassured ” They (Childrens) Are Fine , But You Must Tell Me Now , Are You Ready ? ”
    Still …. I need a moment too Process – There I am – 3 feet off the Ground – Someone is talking inside my Head – and They have Their Hands IN my Back – And this has never happened to me before ? So it must be Legit ! So I said ‘ Ok , I am ready ‘ and I was told to ” SPIT THOSE OUT ! HE DOESN’T WANT TO SEE YOU WITH THOSE ! ” …..shoot ! Busted ! Now I am Bummed. And I said To Myself ‘ ( 4 letter Word )ing Dam It ! I just paid $1,000 for those last Week ! P’TTUEY ! And I spit out my Top Denture , and I reach into my Mouth and I unsnap the Lower Denture from the Mounts embedded in my Lower Jaw. And I let them fall
    And I see my Boots !
    And the Ground Disappears beneath my Feet !
    Tree Tops !
    Clouds !
    Then BAM ! There I am standing on top of the Ozone looking at my Feet. Directly below is the Gulf of Mexico. Before me I can see the lower part of the North American Continent ( Not Michigan – Because I lose it to the Curve of the Earth ) to my far left is Mexico , below and behind me I can make out the Coast of South America , and to my right I can see a few Islands – then Ocean.
    The Voice who was speaking inside my Head Comforts me ” It Is Ok , You Are Alright. You Can Stand On It….(Ozone)…. Like A Table. ‘ But even before that I am Startled that my Head Injury IS GONE ! Just like That ! Faster than Magic ! My Back does not Hurt , My Bones do not Ache , I can breath through my Nose Again , all the Teeth are back inside my Mouth Again !
    And I pick my Face up in Awe , and HEY ! Right Back Over There is the MOON ! Just hanging there above the Planet !
    I look straight up and I can see ALL of the Stars in the Sky !
    I glance over my left Shoulder and 2 Planets away I can see the Sun burning at the Center of Our Solar System.

    My attention is drawn back when it is Announced ” ON YOUR KNEES ! YOU ARE IN THE PRESENCE OF THE SON OF MAN ! ” And I fall flat on my Face , looking Down.
    And at the Sudden , like a Billion LOUD , Angry , Roaring , Terrible , Disappointed , PISSED OFF VOICES All say in Unison
    “‘ WATCH WHAT THEY DO ‘” and I am watching when I see Fire jump up from the Ground Below ! Big Billowing Clouds of FIRE ! Delaware , Maryland , Virginia , North / South Carolina , Georgia , West Virginia , ohio , Indiana , Illinois , Kentucky , Tennessee , Alabama ! And I screamed out in Horror ‘ WHY DID YOU LET THEM DO THAT FOR ?’
    Then I woke up.
    Isn’t that Crazy ?

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