Mar 14

Strange Experiences

A listener writes “In fall 1977, I was a 17 yr. old girl and accepted an invite to a party. I went with a friend on his motorcycle and had a night time sighting outside of Georgetown, CA.

We had left fairly early from the party where pot smoking was fine but cigarettes were not. Beer was available but we weren’t drinkers. We did partake in the smoke but we were far from stoned. As I said, we left early, about 9:30 and were only a short distance from the house. We stopped at a side road so I could smoke. I heard a “grunt-woof” sound and asked my friend if he heard it. Just then, we heard it together. He turned the handle bars and hit the key, lights on and we were looking at it’s back. I couldn’t tell the exact size but the black berry patch it stood within was about 6 foot tall. We both cursed, jumped on and took off fast. I was awestruck at what we had seen. I wanted to go back, he did not. I went to a friend of my brothers knowing he would be there. I told him what we saw. He and his friends laughed and said we were high and hallucinating. I asked him and his friends to come and bring a gun. They were not interested.

The exact spot is now located in the middle of the hwy. The berries grew in a “hollow” and had been there my whole life.

He was blond or golden. The bike headlight may have altered the color. Seen only from the back and elbow up, I saw no features other than it had no neck. It was dark but I know what I saw.

I bump into the friend now and then, he refuses to acknowledge the sighting. A few years back, the BFRO team did a hunt near Tahoe. One of the places where they filmed is actually just outside of Georgetown and I recognized the area. Went there and found some possible scat. Hubby believed it to be bear. I’ve never seen bear poo that size.They have since logged the area and tore it up.

1995, hunting with a couple of friends in N. Idaho. I sat on my cushion, rifle by my side, reading a book and with no intention of shooting anything, just out for the day. I began to hear the pine trees “popping” . I thought perhaps they were thawing in the rising sun. Ever heard a pine tree pop? They don’t. I heard “popping” from at least 3 different locations.I had no fear, as I didn’t understand, or realize, what was happening. I was not a threat, never touched my gun, nor did I feel threatened. I was surrounded by at least 3 Sasquatch. I first heard of “tree knocks” when “Finding Bigfoot” came about. At this time I had known of Sasquatch due to my earlier sighting, but had never heard of “tree knocks”.

In late summer/fall 2003, I was outside with my mom, Stumpy Meadows/Georgetown area, late in the evening. We heard the most mournful, loud, long, reverberating cry I’ve ever heard. Sounded very sad. We looked to each other and then towards the canyon where it came from. Mom asked, “what was that?” I replied, “I have an idea, and we should go inside, now!”.

Also in 2004, late summer, I was traveling with my now husband, over the Sierra’s and on a motorcycle. It was dark and became too cold to continue. We stopped off the side of the road, under a small group of trees, and he began to set up the tent. I had the creeps from the start and wanted to leave. I began to hear what sounded like a drunken party. “I want to go”. He heard it too. He said there must be a campground across the road from us where we heard this. “I don’t see camp lights, flash light or campfires. I want to go!!”. We went. On a later, daylight trip, we discovered that the area across from that spot, was a large, open meadow. No campground for miles. I have since heard Ron Moreheads “Sierra sounds”. That was the exact drunken party we heard that night.”

8 Responses to “Strange Experiences”

  1. Denise F

    David, you took the words out of my mouth. ^
    I have a friend who says “hang in there, it ain’t over until the fat lady sings…..and I hadn’t even started to hum yet” ?

    Interesting encounters that she had. I’m always curious what a blonde one would look like.

  2. Ed M

    A friend lives on the outskirts of Garden Valley not far from Georgetown kind of remote with neighbors a few hundred yards away. His property has year round water and heavily wooded with mixed deciduous and conifers. The first winter he spent on the site Something large was screaming outside the house after dark. He related that he could feel the screams reverberate through his body. He’s retired LEO and admitted that it shook him up a little at the time. a couple of days later he was having coffee in the morning, sitting in the sun on his deck and was struck in the foot by a walnut sized rock. At the time he though maybe a bird dropped it. After he told me about it I suggested maybe it wasn’t a bird screaming and throwing rocks and maybe something larger. This happened about seven years ago and he’s since had lights in the woods and some other weird things happen. Nice to know others in the area have had experiences.

  3. Kathy B

    Interesting. I agree that sometimes you get a feeling you just should not be there. When I get this sensation I may not know why but I do pay attention to it.
    You had a sound and a visual which helped you to make the correct action. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Charles R

    Another person that had a sighting early on in life and several more encounters over the years. This seems to be a theme. Perhaps it is just that once one has had a sighting or scary encounter, they become tuned into weird going ons that most people are not clued into when it happens to them and just dismiss as something out of the ordinary and forget about it. Perhaps it is something more along the supernatural lines. This is my kind of gal that likes motorcycles, my favorite pastime, and riding season is upon us in SW Ohio.

  5. lyonflyin

    I agree with Kathy B; it was good to hear someone act on their instincts. The more you do the more you will, etc. .
    That is how, I believe, you will be tuned in enough to pay attention and catch others.

    As I have said on other notes, through the years I have had unusual things happen that at the time I just brushed off
    as normal happenings until I “educated” myself about these creatures from sites like these. That’s when these old memories
    popped out at me that were there in my consciousness and body and now recognized as probably other-creature-related.

    My sister lives on the edge of Garden Valley off Roller Coaster at the edge of a canyon. I wonder if she has heard things that
    she habitually puts into a box of something she can relate to according to her own experience like people do when people have not, or do not think they have experienced anything “out of the ordinary”? She does not believe. But I know.

    Hey!! I just remembered something! This is something that I am SPEaking ABout!!! Geez!! This just came to me after talking about intuition………and writing the stuff above…………….!
    In the early 2000’s, I DID go to Stumpy Meadows with my sis and it was summer. The shoreline was down and it became dark. We
    had laid out a tarp on the dry beach to lay in the sun and visit (I live here in Alaska) and as the sun went down we got our bags out of the car put them around us to keep from being chilly. The Sierras are cold at night in the summer. We lay there talking in the half moonlight facing across the lake (its not large) when a large owl started to call. I began to call (hoot) back. We laughed when it called back. It sounded real loud. Then there were two! We were delighted thinking that was too kool, and never UNTIL NOW after just NOW, and reading this story with the words in the story about these place names, did I even think about BF until just now!!!! Wow!! I hooted back again and they answered! We thought we were special because they were “talking to us”!
    Neither of us thought anything about BF…even me at that time…cuz I had not started studying or reading about any of this, nor did I have a sighting yet with my friend in Bear Valley off hwy 20 below I-80 even though I believed in them ever since seeing Patty. Wow now I wonder…those must have been NOT Owls?! It was too coincidental and they don’t normally answer back…and two of them ?! We did not have a flashlight.
    We got too chilly and needed to get back to her home in Garden Valley.

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Jan 28

Strange experiences

A listener writes”Hello Wes, the stories I’m about to share I would like my name left out , thanks.

Location PA
Early 90s

Well I have a couple encounters let’s start with the tree stand. I used to be a very avid hunter before my dad passed , I didn’t go to kill deer but he liked it so it was our thing to do. So year after year I’d go out and come back with nothing to I never had real desire to kill a deer or anything like I said it was the experience and good times with dad I wanted. Anyways we’d head out early way b4 sunrise and we’d walk to our sites ,dad usually walked me 1st to my spot I think it made him feel safe. So I get up on my old rickety stand and proceed to wait. What’s that smell. The suns not up yet I’m all alone and I hear walking. Bipedal movement, I thinking it’s dad glance my area and see nothing . I scan for a while and due to poor lighting my vision was poor.then I heard the crunch and nothing silence. It seems it was below my stand . As I wonder if hear walking around the tree like it’s circling , so I glance over what I could see the stand blocked my complete view to the ground and spotted nothing. Leaning back I load my chamber 30 06 and ready myself for what it was .
The pacing continued for 2mins , I aim to the ladder and wait only now thinking it could of cell up any of the 3 trees it was attached to meaning the stand, pheww foolish rookie mistake. Like it would use the ladder. Anyways it all stopped as sudden as it started and no smell. I never saw anything but I know when someone is walking near me.

Number 2
Location PA
Oilcity area

Well i used to be a counselor at a camp had great times and some odd noises and wood experiences .
20plus years visiting this place so I’ve put in my time seen bear deer ect.
But this one year I’d gone up to camp as usual and all seemed to be going good. Now I was the only one there till the next morning so I new I could relax b4 all the people get and so on. I built my fire set up unpacked in my cabin and did all the food fun things to set up my cabin for my weeks adventure .
So night settles In I’m getting Tired it’s late so I go to bed. Around 12 I hear tapping on the cabin and scraping ,so I try to ignore it and it continues. Finally pissed I scream it stopped immediately.
I thought nothing and feel back asleep. Now years of being up there i know bears ect are around so with no locks on the cabins doors I put chairs on it to secure it for the night I’ve done this forever up there. So I’m sleeping then a very hard scraping starts again I’m like wtf as I’m thinking that the cabin bursts with a huge bang followed by more pounding and banging . Now I’m really like wtf so I pounced back and it stopped. I feel back asleep. Little while later a more intense banging happened it lasted like 2 mins then I screamed really angrily this time and it stopped. I was younger then and shook things off back then so I wasn’t phased but looking back now I should of investigated more.
That’s the 2 I choose to share for now.”

7 Responses to “Strange experiences”

  1. Patricia R

    Thanks for sharing these experiences.

    I’ve been listening to S C since show #1, and as I listen, I think many people have such things that happened in the past, they just didn’t think much of them at the time.
    I have several, too. Unexplainable things—the mind goes over and over them, over time, and rules out possible explanations like that it could have been another person, or a bear, a moose, a mountain lion, until they simply do not know what it was that threw a rock in their direction, for example.

    And that’s another big question—something that can throw a rock has to have hands with an opposable thumb to pick up a rock, , and has to be able to throw. Could a bear even raise a front leg up and back, to throw something, even if it could hold it in its paw? It doesn’t seem likely.

    When people say they saw a bear walking on two legs—I always wonder. Bears must use their front legs out to the front, for balance, for the few steps they can take when they do stand upright–they can’t swing them down by their sides like humans can.

    Another way to rule out a bear, besides– their ears look like a Mickey Mouse hat!
    Not the same shape at all, that a human or Sasquatch would have.

    Just thinking out loud. Thanks for sharing your stories.

  2. Pete S

    Sounds like it wasn’t aggression, but more like whatever it was, was messing with him, hell, I can see two juveniles outside laughing everytime the guy yelled. ?

  3. Terry W

    I’m pissed! I thought Wes didn”t want people criticized like this. Commenting on their story is one thing, personal attacks are another. Just be glad these people have finlly gotten something off of their chests! If you are going to nit-pick their grammer, do it to yourself, not on the website.

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