Apr 21

Sometimes you need to unplug!

I am working on some behind the scenes for you guys of the actual show, this is just B reel footage I shot, having fun and getting away from the computer.

I am working on my video editing skills or lack of because I want to do more video interviews with people. Hope you guys don’t mind me posting it here, again its not really bigfoot related but I hope it entertains you for 5 minutes.

12 Responses to “Sometimes you need to unplug!”


    Always good to see you Wes. All work and no play makes jack a very dull boy.
    I didn’t see the beach.was it beyond the boulder field?ha.
    I enjoy your productions.thx.

  2. pam

    We have sure had some picture perfect days out here- glad you got to experience it too.
    Cola is one gorgeous guy, I am such a softie for dogs.

  3. David D

    Nice little vid, Wes thanks’ for that. Your pup reminds me a lot of my dog, who is gone now (sadly). He was a Rott-Pit-Lab, mix. Miss him everyday. There really never a critter quite like him. Take good care of him. There really isn’t anything like a good mutt! They love you unconditionally, no questions asked. They always have your back, and are the best friends to talk to-and great listeners! (ha).

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