Jan 10

Solid black and on two legs

A listener writes “My girlfriend turned me on to your podcast… I think I had a encounter back in 2020… my nephew and I were taking a ride on my utv that I just purchased… the roads where I live. I own 40 acres and my friend owns 60 down the road. We rode threw hid property that leads to a dirt road on the west side. When we got out to the dirt road we seen what we first thought was a black horse walking down the road coming our direction. We stopped and tried to figure out what we were seeing.. then the thing would walk off the side and a moment later would come back out.

We knew it wasn’t a bear because it was too tall and walking up right. It did this a few times and I began to get nervous about it.. and turned around.. my nephew said we should go check it out… it came out again a bit closer and seemed to be about 8 feet tall… solid black and on two legs… I admit I got scared and drove out of there and back home… never seen anything again.

I hunt my land and heard some strange things but nothing that alarmed me… the only strange thing I have seen is some 4 inch diameter jack pine trees that have been laying over but they were twisted about 4 feet up and pushed over.”

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