Mar 14

SC Updates and News for March 14th

I am working on lighting in my studio so forgive the dark studio. Here is a collection of news stories from the blog. I talked a little bit about this DARPA Insider who claims: “Scientist on Verge of Cataclysmic Discovery.” It was interesting what he had to say about orbs. We have discussed orbs on past shows.

I will also be discussing a recent photo that is making its rounds on social media. I knew I had seen this creature before.




Full presentation: DARPA Insider says Scientist on Verge of Cataclysmic Discovery

17 Responses to “SC Updates and News for March 14th”

  1. Duke S

    Super excited for Les new network! The story about the advances in laser tech to create orbs was very interesting too, good stuff! Keep them coming!

  2. m99

    OMGosh Wes. Thank goodness you are you! Now I know why we keep going back to SC. You’re the best host going & perhaps you too will have a tv network. WGTV!

  3. angela c

    The government is lying again, there machine’s and I have seen some of them up close.the orb type craft that is. I really don’t think that they were made in tywan ,Japan or anywhere else on this planet. This is just my two cents and not worth much more but the government is worth less on

  4. William P

    Hey Wes! Love the video extras and new format of being able to watch you during the episode! Your really stepping up your game! Can’t tell you how much the show means to me and my wife…We are hardcore fans forever!
    Thx, Zach and Nita

  5. Bryan P

    Great news update. pretty sure this guy is trying to smoke screen the orbs encounters. Maybe the government knows there are more and more of these encounters so they are trying to Roswell us all with this laser from Japan story.

  6. Janetta V

    Dear Wes, You DO have the right to talk about something other than squatch all of the time. I get bored with that. It was good back in the day when you would feature Conspiracy Corner, sooo interesting, and some got upset, I know, but the majority loved it. Please test some new waters now and then. Oh! and by the way you’re doing great. After 300 hundred shows, you are a pro. j.v.

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