Apr 5

SC EP:92 Lights in the forest


Members, the full show is under the Episodes section.

Tonight I speak with several witnesses who had encounters with Sasquatch. One of the topics tonight is lights in the forest. What are people seeing? What is being described? While I do not think the lights and bigfoot are related, it is interesting to note what people are seeing. The first witness is Mike who talks about his fish coming up missing and then seeing a creature step out of the forest to look at him.



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26 Responses to “SC EP:92 Lights in the forest”

  1. Nancy A

    The guys up near Trout Lake WA up near Mt. St. Helens have seen them for years. Wes, they might be good guys to talk to. Well, maybe not…. you would have them in the flute player camp!

    Interesting show. Glad no one got killed or shot at, including the sasquatch.

  2. Stephen N

    We have the Crossett lights on the railroad tracks in south Arkansas. It”s a railroad brakeman that got run over looking for his head. I”ve seen these lights several times going up and down the tracks. Story goes a big university up north has a dorm that students come down and study these lights. Been going on for years.

  3. Ruth O

    Good show, Wes. The orbs have puzzled lots of people.

    Ever heard of Skinwalker Ranch? Some think they are portals of some kind. From the website skinwalkerranch.org: “Rumor has it the orange portals emit living creatures, and the blue portals allow vehicles to pass. Seen to the west of the ranch 500-1000 feet in sky. Likely the source where strange non-native animals/intelligent entities may be entering ranch property.”

  4. Scott A

    Wes, you mentioned that Native Americans say to stay away from these lights. I wonder if they are what takes people soundlessly from the group of people they are with and transports them over great distance to be deposited somewhere as in the cases David Paulides has mentioned about people who were found alive after disappearing. Maybe there is something electromagnetic about the places they are found, boulders on the West Coast and swamps/wetlands on the East Coast. if they are alive when found they cannnot explain what happened or how they arrived where they are found. I remember one case he mentioned of someone or a couple people together who were on their property or land next to it and were walking around, not far but then it dawned on them that they did not know where they were. They kept walking around and finally recognized where they were, got their bearings and were able to return home. I am not sure of the time of day of these incidents or whether these balls of light energy are around during the day as well and just not visible as in during the night.

  5. Papa - Yeti

    No, I have not personally witnessed ‘Wil – o’ – the – wisp’ or in Medieval Latin: (ignis fatuus). but there is much English, Asian, and European folklore upon the topic. To be noted – Swamp – Gas, is only a Hypothesis.

  6. Daniel W

    Not looking to hit a guy when he’s down so this is more a what’s up post.
    Paying for an extended podcast that runs once a week is not what was promised at the outset. I know there have been some set backs and changes so all I’m asking for is an update on programming and where you’re at with getting back on track now that Wil and apparently Shannon are out. Will you be doing a midweek show? If not, will you lower you rate? I look at my self, not as a consumer but more of a stock holder and I do enjoy your show; however, I get more content from other podcasts that I subscribe to for less money (not trying to be a hater, just stating fact). I was hoping to hear in the next podcast your “plans” for going forwardsince the Jevning fallout. How will you make up the content that Wil and Shannon provided and made it worth becoming a member, as at the outset, you were doing one show a week and it was free?

  7. r v

    [sic] “…Several reports of large hairy figures moving through the forest down to Lake Hemet to fish are known to have been made by the Spanish and eventually white men in the area. During the summer months, it was said that the Takwis could be seen to THROW BALLS OF FIRE [my caps] from Lily rock. And finally where the modern day Tram is located it too was referred to as one of the home of the giant Takwis by the local Indians. Tahquitz Peak is named for the Big Foot of the San Jacinto MT’s.” http://www.insidetheie.com/big-foot

    Place names are so telling. Since I moved back to SoCal I’ve had to keep my fix of local sightings/legends satisfied. They’re everywhere – that’s what I’m convinced of now. “Tahquitz” is a term for BF here in the West-est South, particularly around Palm Springs/Anza-Borrego and on up into the mountainous regions -San Jacinto Wilderness and the San Gorgonio Wilderness (Big Bear). A campground, Barton Flats, near where my fiancée and I frequent when we can escape LA, has a great account of a trailer-smacking by a hairy giant. It’s all one big, related area when you take the time to look at a map.

  8. r v

    Post Script: A few miles away from Barton Flats is a Boy Scout campground called “Tahquitz”. This campground has its own sighting report that I ran across somewhere.

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