Oct 7

SASQUATCH LEGENDS: Jacko the Wild Ape Boy

Exit Thru the Gift Shop writes “The legend of Jacko first appeared in a the Daily Colonist newspaper on July 4, 1884. Titled “What is it?, A strange creature captured above Yale. A British Columbia Gorilla”, the article describes “Jacko” as a gorilla and not a Sasquatch. However, the “Jacko” story has been used by Bigfoot advocates as evidence for the existence of Sasquatch. Many books about Bigfoot and cryptids have featured the event and cite the original newspaper article.”

One Response to “SASQUATCH LEGENDS: Jacko the Wild Ape Boy”

  1. Jonnie S

    I believe this article was published in David Paullides’s book called Bigfoot and Giants. Not sure if that’s the exact name but the book is just news articles dating back to the 1800’s. Very interesting read. I’ve always thought these things have been around forever. Whether this particular story is true or not, there have been too many newspapers that have reported on these things so I don’t believe they are all making stories up. Since my own experience I’ve recently heard of two more encounters very close to where I live. Actually heard them on SC!! Had never heard about them until last week while I was listening to old episodes. Still trying to make my way through all of them! Thanks Wes for your hard work!

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