Nov 11

Rowlesburg, Preston County, West Virginia 1951

Late afternoon, weather clear and warm

Nearest highway or road: Highway 72; small farms, coal mines and timber production.The area is within the Allegheny Mountains. The location of the sighting is about 25 miles south of the Pennsylvania state line and about 10 miles west of the Maryland state line. At the time of the sighting the area was sparsely populated and heavily timbered. The sighting area is about 10 miles from the northern end of the Monongahela National Forest.

Nearest Lakes or Streams: The incident occurred in the Cheat River Valley.
Activities of Witness Prior to Encounter/Incident: Walking along one side of the Cheat River near his home.

Details of Encounter / Incident: The witness was ten years of age and was walking on family property which straddled the Cheat River. On the other side of the river a B & O Railroad line ran parallel to the river. Alongside the main railroad there was a “dinkey” railroad and a storage building for railroad equipment and supplies. The witness happened to look up at a large clearing on the side of the mountain behind the storage and saw a large hair-covered creature standing on two feet watching him. He was a few hundred yards from the animal but he quickly determined it was too large to be a human, and not an animal known to him. He watched for several seconds as the creature stood staring at him, and then the boy wheeled and started home quickly. After walking a few steps the boy turned to look again at the spot and the animal was gone. He was immediately alarmed because he did not believe the animal could have traveled out of the large clearing and into the forested slopes above it in so short a period of time. He thought the animal may have been running toward him and using the storage building for cover as he did so. The boy then ran to his home and told family members about his encounter. When they went outside they saw no sign of the animal.

Description of Animal(s) if Seen: Very large with wide shoulders and covered with light tan hair. Because of the distance, he could not see more details. The witness is now 65 years of age, and just recently saw the Patterson footage on TV. He said the animal he saw was very similar, except for the coloration of the hair.

The witness stated that when he was about sixteen years old he was fishing alone one summer’s night on the Cheat River. While he was busy with his gear, he heard a loud animal sound on the mountain above him. He became wary, but continued to fish for another few minutes. He stated something then walked down off the mountain behind him and emitted an ear-splitting scream which caused him to quickly gather up his equipment and leave for home.

A few years later two of his friends saw a very large hair-covered man or ape near a cabin in the nearby mountains. The witness also mentioned that his brother and a friend were rabbit hunting with Beagle hounds a few years ago along the Cheat River between Albright and Rowlesburg when the dogs quit a hot scent trail in a thicket and disappeared. They looked for the dogs without success and walked home. They found the dogs had returned to their pen and were all cowering and trembling inside the dog houses. He said the dogs had never done that before, and the hunters were sure the dogs had encountered something that was very frightening to them.

Field Investigator’s Notes & Comments: I interviewed several residents of this particular area while I was in West Virginia in late January and early February of 2006. A woman told me that in December of 1977 she was alone at home with her sleeping infant child when she had to use the outside toilet. She was followed by her Golden Retriever which waited outside the toilet. While she was inside she heard a baby crying loudly. She hurriedly left for the house with the dog walking closely by her side and watching the woods line. The dog remained on the ground by the porch steps as she went in to tend to the child. She found the child was still sound asleep and had not moved. She then heard loud animal sounds outside and the dog began to bark frantically. As she started to the door she heard the dog utter a loud yelp, and then it became quite outside. She was afraid to go outside, so she secured the doors and windows and stayed inside until morning. She then found the dog on the ground by the steps with its skull crushed. She stated she later heard the sounds of a baby crying in the woods near the home on two different occasions.



9 Responses to “Rowlesburg, Preston County, West Virginia 1951”

  1. Gerald V

    Am I hearing this correctly ? A woman hears what she believes is her child crying and goes inside as dog waits watching woods most likely not realizing dog is still outside and is deemed a cowardly witch. Wow ! My thoughts are she was being lured to her death by a squatch mimicing her child. Her, her child and dog could have been victims if the squatch was lucky. It probably devistated this woman losing her dog. I feel for her .

    • Michael L

      Have any of you liberal idiots heard the sound of rounds cracking by your heads? Have you ever put on a uniform to defend your country? Yet you seem to know the difference from cowardice and courage. Perhaps all you have ever done is march in protest of Democracy because you did not recieve a participation trophy after your criminal lying candidate gets defeated by the majority of American votes. You never leave anyone behind, especially your best friend….

      • Bryan H

        I must say in defence, NOT TAKING SIDES, i did serve in the Corps, in the early 90’s, serve my country well, for the time i was in, infantry too, mind you. I can honestly say this, I’ve had some scary shit happen to me when i was in the Corps., but never nothing as scary, as when you run across one of these creatures, which I have. Listen to EP152. The lady, being a women was probably more scared for her crying child, that she made an honest mistake, probably also thinking the dog could take care of itself, had only, and only her child on her mind, and if the dog whimpered, and there was no sound after that, then one can only imagine, that the scenario wasn’t good. And being a women, maybe with no weapon, or man at hand to protect her, thought the situation might be best to lock things down foe the night. I have a dog, and she is family, but facing one of these creatures without a gun, in a situation as so, sounds more of a death wish. So i guess the question for you is, have you ever seen a mythical creature that is not suppose to exist, stands 9-10ft tall, and can nearly rip you limb from limb at the wink of an eye????? Because thats what these creature’s can do, and i can personaly tell you that I would make more irrational decisions, facing one of these things, than being in desert storm. I’d rather be back in Iraq, than have to have a bad encounter with one of these creatures, on a hungry night, I’ve earned my blood strips.

  2. Seamus J. C

    Woman versus squatch? What were her chances? I love dogs, but her priorities were herself and her baby, in that situation. The dead dog was proof that she’d made the right decision, I’d say.

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