Feb 13

Possible encounter and print find while deer hunting

Interesting report from Preble County, Ohio. It took place in 2012. Here is the report: “I was hunting in southwest Ohio not thinking I would encouter a big foot its 700 acres of public hunting hardwoods with pine trees in the middle.

I was in a hunting chair back in some thicket I went in the woods about 5:30 about 8:00 I fell asleep in the chair around 8:45 heard some noise I thought was a deer I waited for a minute didn’t here anything so I stood up and something started knocking over trees screaming running away at first I thought I scared a deer but deer will take an open trail or thicket to get away this was knocking over 3 inch trees and growling. I tried to follow the noise but it was gone in seconds so I headed back to my truck on my way back a buddy I was hunting with said he found a very big foot print it was in a foot of grass but one print pushed the grass down to the mud and you can see the print he was tracking a deer and found the print.”


See full report

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