Apr 7

Nuk-Luk – A Canadian Cryptid

The true story of the Nuk Luk- a cryptid from the Nahanni Valley, in Canada’s Northwest Territories. The Nuk-luk (“Man of the Bush”) is a cryptozoological hominid reported in the National Park Reserve near Nahanni Butte, Northwest Territories, Canada between April and June 1964 by John Baptist, several men, and a boy named Jerry.

Several Dene from Fort Liard who were trapping at a river reportedly came upon the creature in April 1964. It described as bigfoot-like creature but less ape and more neanderthal-like in resemblance, it was 5 feet tall, it also had a long, dark beard, and wore no clothes.



A never-before-seen interview featuring cryptozoologist and adventurer Frank Graves, who explored the notorious Headless Valley in the summer of 1965 with the American Expeditionary Society.


2 Responses to “Nuk-Luk – A Canadian Cryptid”

  1. Janetta V

    Thanks for posting this Wes. I listened to the second video and it sounds like a land of plenty, but I would be afraid to go in that valley as I have always heard of terrible things happening up there. These men were very brave.

  2. Joan P

    Absolutely fascinating and captivating story. Everyone who is interested in exploring the woods should listen to this. Very important documentary .
    Thank you Wes for posting this.

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