Jun 12

Mystery Of The Cocaine Mummies

Equinox brings us this investigation of a mystery that is baffling Egyptologists. The case calls into question whole areas of accepted scientific fact from botany, through chemistry to archaeology. In 1992, routine tests on a mummy in a Munich museum revealed high body levels of cocaine and nicotine. But such substances were not available in ancient Egypt, coming as they do from the Americas – not, apparently, to be “discovered” for thousands of years after the passing of the Egyptian dynasties. Are the mummies fakes; were the substances from plants that have since disappeared or were there, in fact, trade routes between Egypt and South America that predate accepted chronology?


4 Responses to “Mystery Of The Cocaine Mummies”

  1. Curtis R

    The Brazilian Bay of Pots had Roman amphora in it. Thor Hoerdhal proved a Phoenecian Reed raft could sail to the Americas. The Meso-American legend of Quetzalvoatl claims that a red haired, blue eyed man arrived there in a Reed boat with sails, taught them how to build their pyramids, and that human sacrifice was forbidden. We know Vikings had been to North America and may have explored as far into the interior as Oklahoma.
    Now chemical analysis proves that both cocaine and tobacco were used by Egyptians, before Europeans knew of the existence of the continent.
    Humans 50000 years ago were probably smarter than people today.
    So why would this be shocking?

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