Lebanon, Oregon, December 31, 1885, Much excitement has been created in the neighborhood of Lebanon, Oregon, recently over the discovery of a wild man in the mountains above that place, who is supposed to be the long lost John Mackentire.
About four years ago Mackentire, of Lebanon, while out hunting in the mountains east of Albany with another man, mysteriously disappeared and no definite trace of him has ever yet been found.
A few days ago a Mr. Fitzgerald and others, while hunting in the vicinity of the butte known as Bald Peter, situated in the Cascades, several miles above any settlement saw a man resembling the long-lost man, entirely destitute of clothing, who had grown as hairy as an animal, and was a complete wild man.
He was eating the raw flesh of a deer when first seen, and they approached within a few yards before he saw them and fled. Isaac Banty saw this man in the same locality about two years ago.
It is believed by many that the unfortunate man who was lost became deranged and has managed to find means of subsistence while wandering about in the mountains, probably finding shelter in some cave. A party of men is being organized to go in search of the man.
Jonny N
love reading these blog stories
Steve E
This is very interesting and telling. It also makes perfect sense that long before Bigfoot/Sasquatch was in the media, people tried to explain sightings the only way that made sense in they day. And that was that a human had shed his clothes, grown hair all over his body and was behaving like an animal…!
Phillip (Arthur) S
I’m a new member. Where do can i post a question? For example, what episode is in the intro where the man talks about the 6’9″ bigfoot? Where can i find a list of the best episodes? Would you recommend I start listening at episode #1? Love the story above. tks
Anthony B
Hey Phillip and or Arthur,
Usually people post after the recent episode but for past episodes you can post in the forum. I can’t remember the episode with the 6’9″ remark so the forum would be your best bet. I also asked for a list of best episodes but it doesn’t exist. Wes does a “Best of” show at the end of the year and they are very good. You can just type “Best of ” in search field on the Episodes page. Personally I would start at episode 200 with Les Stroud. It is a really good show with quite a twist. Wes has really found his stride at that point. Once you have caught up I would then work your way down from 200. The first 100 episodes the show is trying to find itself . I ‘m sure other people may disagree.
Enjoy this great show!
tony b