Oct 28

MonsterQuest: America’s Wolfman

MonsterQuest writes “History says that a large and wolf-like beast is the stuff of legend, but recently uncovered film footage and new witnesses say something frightening is out there.”

5 Responses to “MonsterQuest: America’s Wolfman”

  1. Sabrah R

    Hi Wes
    I think Bigfoot comes from the time of Atlantis. I saw a remote viewer, Courtney Brown’s team remote view how Atlantis sunk. The claim they saw a civilization of very high technology. A little past where we are now in our time. The civilization was split between really bad people who used technology to the detriment of their society. Then the other half of the civilization was good and strived to use technology with good intent. The civilization was crystal energy based. They did have DNA manipulation capability. So I think they created Sasquatch. When reviewing Melba Ketchem’s DNA results the human side of Sasquatch dates back to humans that would have existed during the estimated time of Atlantis. Apparently Atlantian scientists performed a test on the earths mantle that pierced to the core of the earth that caused continents to split up and shift and the demise of the civilization. IMHO Sasquatch some how survived and migrated all over the world. Some First Nations People are considered to be the direct descendents of Atlantis. It’s believed by some, that North and South America were part of Atlantis a long long time ago.i don’t know what the animal side of Sasquatch could have been or come from. Maybe that weird language Sasquatch speaks is Atlantian. Who knows? Even Edgar Casey talked about Atlantis in some of his readings. This is a hypothesis. Nobody really knows. But maybe someday Atlantis will be discovered or as Casey predicted will rise out of the ocean.

  2. Stuart C

    To build upon Sabrah R’s comments regarding Atlantis and advanced, crystal based technologies…

    The Hindu (oldest surviving ancient religion) Mahabharata epic discusses a time when the world consisted of two competing factions: the Pandavas (benevolent) vs. the Kauravas (malicious). The Bhagavad Gita, specifically, details some pretty eye opening concepts when consumed through a contemporary lens, especially when incorporating the antediluvian tales found in the biblical book of Genesis.

    In regards to Atlantis, there are numerous potential possibilities. IMO, I think Lemuria (Currently at the bottom of the Indian Ocean) is a top contender.

    (source on landmasses)
    ‘Earth’s REAL Lost Landmasses’ by Atlas Pro.

  3. Frank G

    Peggy Callahan should watch the latest Scott Carpenter video he posted recently of the Dogman hanging in the tree staring him down. Scott is as legitimate as you can get when it comes to researching Sasquatches. He happened to stumble on the Dogman and I do believe him. The video he shot isn’t quite a portrait shot from Glamour Shots, but you can see a wolf like creature hanging in a tree staring at him. Thanks for all the amazing content as always Wes. Who’s better than Sasquatch Chronicles???? No one!!!

  4. Roody D

    Hi Wes , I’ve been tryin to reach you for months . I can’t play any member contents since I became a member 4 months ago . I emailed you multiple times but no answer. Please help

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