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  • #199639
    Jamie J

    You still interested in going out in Big Cypress? I’m familiar with the area, used to do 3 day excursions out there on regular basis and am a EDC. Let me know as I’m definitely down for meeting up.

    Jamie J

    Knobby- I couldn’t agree more and apologize if what I wrote was too vague. I agree the statues written regarding firearms (as well as MANY other laws) should be extremely detailed so those that then “twist” or manipulate the system for their own intensions (or others) will have difficulties in doing so. In regards to law enforcement having the tools needed….THIS IS CRUCIAL and personally feel the system has failed all those who work in law enforcement who knowingly take risks, sometimes potentially deadly risks to serve everyday citizens, such as myself. The fact that law enforcement doesn’t already have the tools and support needed when facing situations like this is just pathetic and should be considered criminal. I commend any law enforcement personnel for their selfless courage to get up everyday and face the things that most would run or turn their backs to. Especially in this day and age, with all the scrutiny they face on top of the every day to day stressors they encounter just going about their assigned duties and responsibilities. It’s just honestly sad to me and I think if this is what we’re dealing with on regular basis now….___ is it going to be in another 10 years? What will be considered normal then? Scary to think about…..

    Jamie J

    Jeff S- While I completely agree with how you feel re: the “Red Flag” law, esp given the fact that most people are impulsive and don’t stop to think about the consequences their words can/may cause when making reports to law enforcement, I can tell you that I’ve been researching Florida’s Red Flag law the last several days. The guidelines are very detailed and so far to date, only 15 cases have been brought forward, 11 of which all received their guns/ammo back after going through the (short) process (I may have mixed up the exact numbers however wasn’t near as many as you’d think). I honestly don’t think we’ll ever see the day we’re no longer able to bear arms as defined in the constitution….I do however think that they need to do a major overhaul of the system involved when purchasing any firearms and/or ammunition. I’m a gun owner myself and feel I have a right to protect my family if needed. That being said, I respect the laws and process in order to obtain those guns as I’m a law abiding citizen and don’t fear or get angry re: said process. I think one thing that MAY make a difference is making background checks more extensive to include mental illness history, hx: of drug/alcohol abuse, prev criminal records including non violent crimes as this can sometimes be a basis for later more serious crimes (not just going off questionnaire and doing NCIC background checks). I’m not saying this is going to prevent any of these BS mass shootings, I don’t know what the hell is going to stop them at this point. I do however feel that the above mentioned extensive background checks/medical illness history may at the very least HELP prevent some guns from ending up in the wrong peoples hands. I’m not naïve, I’m well aware that the sick world we live in is now a day to day race for the most upsetting headline…and literally the second you think “this is it, it can’t get any worse”, something else comes along that makes the others look like child’s play. It’s unfortunate and very sad when you actually think about it. Until people (like us) actually stand up for what’s right and true, don’t back down and demand change….this is what it’s going to be. I actually think it’s all part of the push to desensitize us with religion, morals, gender, sex, pretty much everything being pushed into main stream society. Take one look at “what’s trending” and you’ll see how truly screwed everything is. It’s just sad and honestly quite scary when you really stop to take a look and put some thought into it. Anyway, sorry…didn’t mean for that to turn into a whole (very) long rant. But yes, the red flag thing…..I agree it sounds somewhat unnerving knowing that your ex can get pissed and strip you of your weapon(s), however this has yet to happen (at least in FL) and from everything I’ve read re: the statute, they have to actually prove you’re a danger to yourself or others…otherwise they have no legal ground to stand on. So I wouldn’t stress about it nor do I worry about Uncle Sam ever taking away everyone’s right to bare arms, I honestly don’t think this will ever happen. They’ve got way too much time and money invested into the bearing arms issue, therefore I don’t think they’ll ever actually push to end those rights for citizens.

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