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  • #237092
    Scott F

    It is indeed a sad day for America when we cannot even find unity in condemning political violence, but instead promise more of it. SMH…

    Scott F

    I’m going with the Pareidolia fit hypothesis. Just not seeing anything but circles around indistinguishable shadows.

    Scott F

    Absolutely correct and well said. We need to be better at disagreeing and remember that we’re all Americans first and not allow the partisan rhetoric of any political party to take that away from Us. RIP Joe.

    Scott F


    Scott F

    As far as finding deer up in trees it seems more likely to me to be the work of the North American Cougar, rather than left up there by an eagle. Or anything else…

    Scott F

    The entire clip is on the web. The eagle plucked the deer? (more likely a goat) off the side of cliff. The video clearly shows the eagle is unable to fly with the weight of the animal and is gliding down to the ground. A right place/right time catch for the eagle plus a partial video clip = a ficticuos, misleading narrative.

    Scott F

    While it’s true some animals have the ability to produce sounds at frequencies below which we can hear (“infrasound”), I’m not aware of any studies that show it’s used to stun prey. At least not by terrestrial animals, but perhaps in aquatic predators. It’s been hypothesized that tigers and other big cats have this ability, but not proven. It is certain that big cats do not go around roaring while they hunt. They are silent, ambush predators. Your mileage and opinion may vary 🙂

    Scott F
    Scott F

    A “sound like firecrackers” was reported as the incident unfolded and police responded. It’s 2024. We live in an era where mass shootings are becoming sadly common place and teens don’t fight with fists and sticks anymore. It wasn’t aliens, face eating creatures or Bigfoot in downtown Miami. But if you want to believe social media rumors and the conspiracy theories, have fun with that. I’ll stick with reality. But what do I know?

    Scott F

    I believe the episode is no longer on the site. Taken down on request of the witness?

    Scott F

    Another fake.

    Scott F

    Siberia is nowhere near Finland. Just sayin’…

    Scott F


    Scott F

    So you’re saying people will go to great lengths to lie, hoax and cheat in order to forward an agenda and make a buck. Who knew? 🤔

    Scott F

    And you think “dogman” is stupid?

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