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  • #185955
    Mark B

    Oh one last point Knobby the Knobhead, says “he doesn’t mind people trolling me,” because I simply don’t agree with his views? That sums up what you really are. You know my color yet you’re basically saying “people have the mods permission to attack me! That stinks of racism and you’re name is about to become quite famous. God i wish i could show my true identity you’d be amazed!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Mark B.
    Mark B

    Stevieboy Ireland? ???? surmising again and wrong yet again. Knob I couldn’t give a damn if you were president you’re a silly mod who thinks he is some sort of god the mighty powerful one.

    Grow up Knob, do you honestly think I’d listen to you Ya muppet? You’ve been livin in mommies basement far to long boy! For $7 a month do you honestly think i need to listen to a bunch of racist bastards sticking up for their god like leader you pathetic bunch. I’ve never seen some many adults lick a grown mans ass how you do Mr Germers it’s sickly and childish! Eff the lot of you especially knobhead and stevie

    Mark B

    @debbie WHO ARE YOU? Obviously you do give a flip otherwise you wouldn’t of commented & kept your mouth shut! How ironic me hurling insults, did you not grasp the fact why my tone was like that? It’s called racism dear, try being a different skin color other than White in todays climate “it’s a living hell.” Oh and Knob, I don’t need lecturing from you thank you very much.

    You do need lecturing; I moderate the forum. You need to read the pinned rules on the first page. You can’t come here and attack other participants like you did.

    You write, “How ironic me hurling insults, did you not grasp the fact why my tone was like that?”

    How do you twist it in your mind that you have some kind of right? You can’t come here and attack people out of the blue like you did. You weren’t even in a discussion with Steven B. That’s mental. Adhere to the forum rules and be respectful toward other participants.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Mark B.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Mark B.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Knobby.
    Mark B

    Stevie yet again we have a another sickly post from you ???? Why do you always feel the need to kiss ass? I’m convinced you sit at a desk for literally hours on end writing out comments, hoping for a big hit kinda like a songwriter hoping for a No1. ooohh you just love it the cornier the better.

    First regarding comments on ep 471 There wasn’t one offensive comment to Wes Germer. I’m sorry but that in today’s climate is classed as racist and it was. Regardless of what knob or gums say. They both seem to have plenty to say on everything, and don’t like it when people don’t agree with their views, they become aggressive! We have names for dudes like these two, ‘Gobshites’ they’re called where I’m from, yet you realise they just like the sound of their own voices! Oh and they literally know F**k all!

    Stevieboy did you see that punk bastard beat up the Asian lady last week i really hope you did, the evil displayed by that dirty piece of shit was brought on by asswipes joking about Asians. Did you laugh when you seen it stevie?

    It’s hard being an Asian in todays climate especially with dudes like you condoning I’ll say ‘comedians.’ With no humour whatsof**kingever, looking forward to the views of “oh you know who, we all know who.”

    You know the rules about being respectful to other participants but I see you don’t much care. Your reply says more about you than anything you wrote about others.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Knobby.
    Mark B

    lol oh god sickly Steve, i just knew you’d be happy. Why do you feel so fortunate stevie? ????????????

    Mark B

    You can’t it’s crazy! Website needs a complete overhaul all the top podcasts have RSS feeds. Especially for the members show it’s draconian how we have to listen to them through the website!

    Mark B

    24 European countries have now said they’re stopping the UK’s vaccine AstraZeneca as of today. And now we’ve just been told by Hancock our little shit of a so called health minister, that we’re now stopping the vaccine program ourselves for a month, blaming it on transportation issues! Which of course AstraZeneca are flatly denying, so whose lying?

    I have a strange horrible feeling that our inept UK government is definitely hiding something from us, like they’ve found problems with the vaccine. Without question there’s been a lot of deaths occurring hours after having the jab in which very few media outlets are reporting on it why not?

    Also there’s numerous cases of blood clots developing again hours after having the jab. There is something fishy going on, the truth is being kept away from all UK residents. 25 Countries know something that we’re not being told, it’s about time Hancock & Johnson quit with the bullshit and started telling us the truth.

    I’m clinically vulnerable and could’ve had my jab near two months ago but i refused it. I’ll wait a couple of years down the line just to see if it caused any damage to peoples bodies. Because at the end of the day nobody knows that’s a fact. People are being judged as assholes in the UK for not taking the vaccine, you’re basically classed as a leper.

    We won’t be allowed to go on holidays, or go to the pub, or go out for a meal, there’s even talk about banning us from going shopping, all because we don’t have that piece of paper stating we’ve been jabbed. So much for the so called free world eh!!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Mark B.
    Mark B

    If you want the vaccine, take it. If you don’t want it then don’t take it. It’s as simple as that, it’s your choice know one elses!

    Mark B

    I wish my mum and dad would’ve had the chance to take it. Covid took both their lives you shouldn’t mock the vaccine because that’s all we’ve got!

    Mark B

    Thank god for sasquatch Chronicles it takes me to the real world.

    Mark B

    The last 2 days have been the worse of my life i feel it’s all a dream and I’m going to wake up soon. Within the space of 48 hours I’ve now lost my mum and dad to this awful virus. I feel so lost I’m seriously thinking about calling it a day myself, i just can’t get my head around what is happening to the world it’s gone mad! The hardest part was not being allowed to say goodbye to them both it’s so cruel I’m hurting like I’ve never hurt before.

    Sorry I’m waffling on it’s 2.18 i’m sat in the dark not fully sure what I’m even writing this for, so I’ll stop. I do hope one day they’ll find a cure for it.

    One last thing i was talking to the doctors one night and they’ve noticed that 90% of patients had strange deep red bruising on their feet including my mum and dad. Apparently scientists are aware of this and they think it’s possibly one of the best ways in telling that a suspected patient has the virus. So if you have family maybe check their feet for these very strange looking bruisings which are also slightly raised. So everyone please take care and stay safe, by folks

    Mark B

    I don’t know if this is true but the drug Trump keeps endorsing hydroxychloroquine, has anyone else heard about him having a financial interest in the company that produces the drug?

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