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  • #188648
    Jo M

    Chris, I don’t know what your issue is with me. There are others more disrupting than I am. If it makes you feel like a cool kid to pick on people you just go ahead and do you. I had hoped to find folks who shared some experiences and didn’t laugh at the paranormal cryptid weirdo, but I can’t handle the political ugliness. You’re welcome, Chris, for providing you the misogynistic superiority moments. Fun, right?

    Sorry Wes. There are other podcasts without this garbage.

    As a last little nugget – Knobby – I know. Some day the rest of the members will be dumbfounded, but I know. And you know that I know.

    Jo M

    M, I’m sorry I typed that. You were very kind and reasonable in your response to the video. Please accept my apology.

    Jo M


    Jo M

    M, I understand what you’re saying about some whose life situation was changed from what they were comfortable with. But I also have friends raised by parents of the same sex, and although it has been difficult for them at times, that pressure has been from outside the family not from inside. What right do any of us have to shame a child for decisions their parents make? I know an awful lot of people who have been hurt much more viciously by one or more of their parents simply because of who they are as a person, not because of their sexual orientation.
    I can assure you that the army doesn’t prey or want the most vulnerable of us. They want the strongest and the ones who will stand for what’s right and protect our freedoms. No one is stronger than someone who has faced difficulties their whole life and is still sure of who they are and what they stand for. I don’t know that being raised by same sex parents would make a person vulnerable.
    And before people attack me, which I have no doubt they will, I’ll let you know that I have gay family members who are more devout in their Christian faith, behavior, demeanor and attitude than oh so many judgemental, self-righteous Christians. It’s the latter of those that give a bad name to those of us who choose love and leading in Jesus name over judging and damning. I’m rambling as always and not meaning to be rude to anyone. Trying to be reassuring, but I usually fail in my presentation.

    Jo M

    Is there a point to your posting this? Emma is a real soldier and that is her story. She didn’t choose her life story until she made the choice to join the service. Are you pointing out that the army chooses to let recruits know that they do not discriminate based on a soldier’s family structure, but rather on the soldier’s innate qualities? Good for you!

    Jo M

    Hi David. Now you have a good few months of being able to listen to all the member shows you missed! Best time ever!

    Jo M

    Eeeeeeeeek to both of you! When I lived in the country we had a lot of deer snorts and coyote yips and yaps, but never anything that growled or sounded like kids playing. Isn’t it interesting that even though you’re SasChron members, your mind still doesn’t immediately think “sasquatch” when it presents itself? I hope you have good yard lights.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Jo M.
    Jo M

    Bless you for reaching out. I know it’s hard when you’re hurting. Will add you, Karen and family to my prayers.

    Jo M

    He started it! If he was ny little brother he’d have so many noogies . . .

    Jo M

    Found it. Episode 190. Starts at the 35 min. mark.

    Jo M

    Run, Denise, run.

    Jo M

    I have no idea what your last post is supposed to mean.

    Jo M

    Frankly Chris, you are. You have accused others unfairly and I’ve yet to hear you admit it or apologize for your behavior. I have no problem being called out and have apologized when I’m in the wrong. Not a narcissistic trait.
    You are trying to make us believe we had insulted Wes, and I was confused trying to figure out when we did so, because that isn’t the reality that shows in the comments. That, dear sir, is gaslighting.

    Jo M

    Chris, I’m sorry you are disappointed and upset at what you think are attacks against Wes Germer. “A subtle insult is still an insult.” “This guilt by association is a fallacy.” You seem to be the only one inferring the posters were insulting Wes. Not a one of them (myself included) put down Wes Germer or intended the narrative to read that way.

    1. You said: “Many people come to this forum looking for a place to fit in without ridicule. And yet we’re not above hurting each other over opinions and perspectives we disagree with.” In the same thread you blasted and embarrassed Drew by accusing him of calling Wes a liar, which he did not do. His post was about HIMSELF feeling uncertain of his belief because the side plot of the show was that a sasquatch story was being debunked. Drew said: “I’m truly sorry if I offended anybody on here, I truly am sorry. I guess it just upset me because this series just gave my wife n kids more ammo to use against me for believing” Instead of making him feel welcome by understanding his self-doubt, you ostracized him by saying: “Drew, if you feel you’re a dupe after all this time, you never were a fan. You’re a fence post.” That was not attacking his idea, it was attacking him.

    2. Please don’t choose the specific words from my posting that you think make your case without including the full message: “What bothers me is the amount of hype and respect Wes gave him AND THIS IS WHAT HE REALLY THINKS ABOUT THE STORIES HE HEARS ON SASCHRON:” (meaning Holthouse) There is no slight on Wes Germer for an interview Holthouse gave AFTER appearing on SasChron. My sincere intent was that Holthouse betrayed Wes. That happens to good people all the time.

    3. Knobby has stated that Wes wants the forum to belong to the members. Does Wes read the forum posts? Does someone here report back to him what is being said? Either of those would be absolutely fine – it’s his site – but I’m not sure that’s happening. He’s a grown, confident man. People complain all the time on the episode comments and he handles them like the professional that he is. Steve B said it well when he stated in a different thread something along the lines that Wes is an adult and doesn’t need defending. Wes seems to understand that not only has his show grown to be a public service, but it’s also his livelihood, and I’m sure he (grudgingly) considers what members are willing to pay to listen to. I’ve never heard him demand unquestioning loyalty or he’ll kick you out.

    4. You were upset at Drew’s post and ended your rebuttal with: “But, when someone calls Wes a liar and badmouths the show, he’s also calling out my girlfriend as such. . .” Yet, when Holthouse said of witnesses “I believe that they believe that they’re telling the truth.” and “I don’t know if they have some sort of unresolved trauma that in their subconscious has… what would be the word, materialized, as a Sasquatch encounter.” you show no defense. Why not? Is Holthouse entitled to his opinion without discussion, but forum members are not, simply because Wes has worked with the guy?

    5. Gaslighting attempt unsuccessful.

    Jo M

    I didnt see Wes badmouthed anywhere.

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