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  • #177011
    Douglas s

    THIS is the presentation that tells the FACTS about what really happened in Bengazi.
    The evidence points to high treason performed by Obama, Biden, H. Clinton & others. This is NOT conspiracy theory; there are signed documents, audio & emails that confirm every bit of it.
    The story dropped a couple days ago and the main-stream media are still crickets.
    The aidio in the video lowers after the first few minutes but picks back up before the damning evidence is talked about.

    Douglas s

    I can say that after hearing all the encounters; I don’t doubt one bit that Sasquatch is lurking around. I’d like to see one but then again…I’d rather not see one.
    I don’t think they’re out to get us. (like we’re trying to get them)

    Douglas s

    That’s cool, i didn’t know that. As far as the guidstones go; I think humanity needs more stone “historical monuments” placed around the world. At least the next go around might have a better chance (as long as they don’t have to rack their brains figuring out what it means lol)

    Douglas s

    Graham has a theory of asteroid impacts but the videos i watched were saying that the plasma balls could hold many different metals so in a sense of the word, it would be a blast of molten metal asteroids. It’s crazy to contemplate something like this happening in 20 or 50 years from now.
    I believe in living every day like my last so it doesn’t bother me.

    It’s neat to think an off world civilization would implant bigfoots to help seed the next epoch of humans though. And in the last days there’ll be watchers!
    Wish I knew the real story though. That has to be a good one for sure.

    Douglas s

    Wow! That’s some serious scary right there.

    Douglas s

    Ha! No they won’t.

    Douglas s

    I’ve seen YouTube accounts that are taking Sasquatch Chronicles audio, deleting the voice of Wes-leaving only the person talking about their encounter.
    I’m all for spreading knowledge and sharing info but it’s ridiculous that a thief can get away with taking something we’re helping support and chopping it up to call their own and place ads within it to get a YouTube check in the mail.
    I always report the stolen audio when I confirm it’s taken from member’s only content and hope everyone here does the same.
    We can’t have some thief profiting from the hard work and many hours Wes puts into Sasquatch Chronicles. It’s gotta stop!

    Douglas s

    That popped up on my facebook as recommended post, for some unknown reason.
    I think the paradigm we’re in only jokes and pokes fun at the bigfoot phenomena; most truly don’t want to believe it’s true and making it look woo-woo only upholds their ability to stay lazy instead of facing the truth and evolving.

    Douglas s


    Douglas s

    What do I think bigfoot is?

    1.It’s a hybrid-hybrid type of Homo erectus that remained/s well hidden within all continents supporting their scavenging diet. I think (with a purely google-educated guess) that some time in their past they bred with an unknown hybrid form of Homo heidelbergensis that happened to have Gigantopithecus genes within; creating the double hybrid known as Sasquatch.

    2. It’s an evolved neanderthal cousin left over from the last global flood. (hair remained because of cave dwelling in constant 50 degree temps and excellent night vision evolved from living life in a dim area and excellent climbing/quadruped abilities adapted from cave/cavern living)

    3. It’s a being created by the aliens years ago as a back up for human-like life in case the comet comes back around. (these things hide so good a comet couldn’t find ’em)

    Douglas s

    Wow, I had no idea Wes, Woody & Shannon were ever treated that way…I’d never heard that show before. How could anyone be so cruel to such good people?

    A million Thanks to Wes and Sasquatch Chronicles!

    Douglas s

    I’d have to agree with knobby.
    Maybe they view fire the same way a human might view a fur coat in the middle of summer.
    After many sasquatch have surely seen the danger in fire, I think the need for them to use fire as a tool just isn’t there, especially when they seem to have a strong mindset for staying hidden along with being in a constant survival mode requiring them to mostly stay on the go.

    Douglas s

    I do respect the knowledge Will J. has gained over the years as well as the fact that he served in the armed forces but I gotta say Sasquatch Chronicles is so much better without the “expert” and interviews are much easier to listen to without a constant “yeah, I did that” or an ever-present voice to speak over or interrupt a guest. That said-of course-with all due respect and no ill will… lol anyways,
    I think 99% might agree that Wes is a perfect show host with his calm voice, heartfelt questions, sense of humor, humbleness and all-around likability. Why would he need anyone else to help steer this bus? He’s a sasquatchin’ show runnin’ Chronicle-boss & judging from his bouncer physique; not may would argue if he asked you to stop breathing his air.

    I’d like to know when a two hour video version of the show is coming out?
    -with cool reenacted true accounts, artist renditions of what they saw and funny reenacted stories of when Wes’s brother is pointing a rifle at him and stuff. :^)

    Douglas s

    I also like to listen before going to sleep on occasion and I’d have to agree; the song at the end, though decent in sound and artistry tends to get repetitive. It does wake you up to hear the next show though.
    Just do what I do and run all downloaded episodes through Audacity(free audio program) and delete the intro and ending of each episode then combine about three or four episodes together into one mp3.. This takes time but is well worth the effort if you like to drift off too dreamland contemplating sasquatch with The Sasquatch Chronicles episodes. you can even truncate silence within each episode to fit more audio as well as improve the sound on some of the lower quality interviews.

    Try it out, you’ll be surprised at how much you can do to create the perfect Sasquatch Chronicles mp3. with Audacity (just google it) You can also correct the metadata of downloaded shows to reflect your own info, show sequence, title and show information (if you want include the entire blog text within the metadata of the mp3 file) for use in your phone, mp3 player or computer media player. Retyping the title within the metadata is especially helpful with keeping all the shows together as there’s multiple metadata changes along the entire show index that can throw you out of sync with shows that have 2 or 3 parts and when you start the mp3 name with the episode number followed by the show explanation- it’s much easier to decide what to listen to next.
    This way everyone wins.
    Goodluck & your welcome.

    Douglas s

    Being skeptical is what it’s all about.

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