Nov 23

Little people of flores

In 2003 paleoanthropologists made a discovery on the Indonesian island of Flores that shook up the world of early human studies like no other in recent years. Inside a cave, under a thick blanket of sediments, they unearthed fossil bones of a three-foot-tall human. The fossil appeared for all the world not to have been that of a diseased modern human or Homo sapiens, but rather an entirely new species, which its discoverers named Homo floresiensis. The debate over just what this so-called hobbit and its kind were has only just begun.

2 Responses to “Little people of flores”

  1. Stephanie G

    So if we have only recently discovered a human-type species of “little people”, then is it so far-fetched that we might one day discover the bones of “mountain giants”? Keep digging!

  2. NW Mike

    The remains discovered in Denisova cave, Siberia, are 1/3 larger than human remains based on tooth size. If that holds true for the body, it would be an 8-foot tall creature. That is Bigfoot sized. As for the Hobbits of Flores, they are the right size for Ebu Gogo and Orang Pendak. Acceptable, scientific proof has arrived…again. Maybe these discoveries will start to turn the tide in favor of the Bigfoot community. We can only hope.

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Jan 26

Little people of Flores

In 2003 paleoanthropologists made a discovery on the Indonesian island of Flores that shook up the world of early human studies like no other in recent years. Inside a cave, under a thick blanket of sediments, they unearthed fossil bones of a three-foot-tall human. The fossil appeared for all the world not to have been that of a diseased modern human or Homo sapiens, but rather an entirely new species, which its discoverers named Homo floresiensis. The debate over just what this so-called hobbit and its kind were has only just begun.

6 Responses to “Little people of Flores”

  1. Wolf

    I remember this when it came out. LOTR was big at the time so the name ‘hobbit’ stuck.

    Yet more evidence our ‘traditional’ tales of fairies, elves, trolls and giants have at least some basis in fact?
    ‘Pay your toll to the troll and he might not eat you.’ … could be an effective way to prevent Sasquatch from treating you as a snack…

  2. Derek H

    Good video Wes! I love the way these scientist need their 80,000 years to make sense of anything outside of there evolutionary dogma. DNA evidence says 14,000 years ago. The dirt bike video from Indonesia you posted a while back Points to the fact that they still exist. There was even an alleged recent sighting in this video by a geologist. Of course he is scared to share his encounter for fear of ridicule. Wes that would be a cool interview! I feel like there is a lot of parallel between this story and Sasquatch. Mostly the fact that we really have no idea what are human history really is, and how do we make sense of the possibility of other human species and there involvement with our species. Or are we all the same species? Brain teaser! Wes, can you get something in your garage already! Kidding lol!

  3. Knobby

    People were already seeing 3 to 4 foot tall forest men (orang pendek) long before these remains were unearthed confirming a separate species of man existing along side contemporary Homo sapiens. What are the odds that’s a coincidence?

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