Jan 14

Listeners/Members call in 646-716-8791 tonight!

Give us a call tonight at 5:30pm PST (8:30pm EST) @ 646-716-8791 share an encounter or call us with a question.

37 Responses to “Listeners/Members call in 646-716-8791 tonight!”

  1. Nancy A

    Could you ask her if they (callers) felt less threatened after they prayed. Could the Sasquatch have felt that they were probably not a huge threat at that point?

  2. Tyler D

    Snows encounter was very interesting. I thought it was crazy all the different animal sounds she said they we’re making when they started. I remember Coonbo had said something similar on one of the previous episodes, it was the encounter where he said the alpha took a swipe at the back of Bear’s head

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