Mar 7

It was nearly identical to the sound I had heard in my front yard

A listener writes “Hello, Wes! I’m a huge fan of the show, and I wanted to write you and tell you about some experiences I had years ago. Let me preface these stories by saying I am a firm believer in the existence of Bigfoot, even though I’ve never actually seen one. The experiences I am going to share with you each happened several years apart from one another and I didn’t actually put it together that they were connected until years after the fact.

For a good 15-20 years of my life, I lived in a house my dad had purchased in rural Central Ohio. Although our street was several miles long, there were only about 8 houses on our road. Aside from a rather sizable front yard, our side and back yards were small, only about twenty feet, where we were surrounded on all sides by cornfields with patches of woods here and there. There were no streetlights, and it gets really dark at night.

The first experience involved my friend Chad. We were both about twenty years old at the time, and Chad had come over, as he often did, to hang out and watch tv. Chad was a smoker, which my dad didn’t allow in his house, so he would excuse himself and step out onto the front porch to have a cigarette.

It was toward the end of summer, so the corn was tall enough that you could walk through it and go entirely unseen. As Chad stood there puffing away on the porch, he was startled to hear what he described as sounding like an elephant running through the cornfield, and it was headed straight for our yard! He stood there motionless, anxious to see what was about to emerge from the cornfield. He said it sounded way too big to be a deer, and the thought occurred to him that it might be a horse or bull that had escaped one of the local farms.

Just before whatever was running through the cornfield emerged, it stopped suddenly, as though it were aware that Chad was there. Now here’s where it gets weird. I would be perfectly content with explaining away this occurrence as being livestock which had escaped but for the fact that Chad said he could hear loud panting as though something were catching it’s breath, followed by a series of grunts and moans that he described as being “the way people with Down’s Syndrome grunt when they talk”. And suddenly, it took off through the cornfield in another direction. From the noise and the movement of the corn, Chad said it seemed impossible to him for something this size to be tearing through the cornfield as quickly as it was.

Fast forward a couple of years……. I was upstairs in my bedroom and my 17 year old nephew Derek (who also lived with us) was downstairs talking to his girlfriend on the phone. We were the only ones home at the time, except for my dad’s dog, Lady. Now, Lady was a gentle dog. I don’t know that I had ever even heard her growl before. She was a fat little mutt whom you could literally put your finger in her mouth and take her food and she would just look up at you, tail wagging.

Derek and Lady were lying in my dad’s bed (this was before cellphones ) while he chatted with his girlfriend on my dad’s landline. From upstairs I heard him tell her goodnight and I heard him put the phone back down on its base. Then all Hell broke loose! There was a loud THUD on the window, and I heard Lady explode into a barking fit. Derek made this awful startled sound which came deep from within him….. almost akin to the noise a person makes when getting punched hard in the stomach.

As I started down the stairs to investigate, Derek rounded the corner and came bounding up the stairs, very nearly mowing me over. I can tell you with 100% honesty, Wes, that to this day I have never seen someone so scared in all my life. The fear was palpable. He was ghostly white and wide-eyed, and he trembled violently as he tried to literally run me over on the stairs. I grabbed his shoulders and after a few moments I was able to get two words out of him— Eyes. Hair.

After a few long, tense moments, he was able to explain to me what had happened. Apparently, as he hung up the phone, the loud THUD I had heard from upstairs was actually Lady. She had seen this thing through the window, and had jumped from the bed into the glass as if she were trying to go right through it! I repeatedly asked Derek what it was, and he just kept reiterating that he saw eyes and lots of hair. I went outside to have a look, but whatever it was it was long gone. I walked up to the window from outside, and Derek pointed from inside the house approximately to where the eyes had been. If the eyes were where he claimed, this thing was easily seven feet tall.

Derek and I have discussed this at great length over the years. He says his logical, scientific mind refuses to let him believe in Sasquatch or demons or anything supernatural, but he simply can’t explain the encounter. He remains hopeful, however, that one will be discovered and scientifically proven to exist so he won’t feel like a lunatic for seeing what he saw.

This final encounter took place, again, several years later. At this time, my wife and I were living in the house alone. I had a job working third shift at the time, so I would typically spend my nights playing video games while my wife slept in the bed a few feet away. As not to disturb her, I would turn the volume almost all the way down and enable the captions so I could read along and follow the plot of the game.

On the night in question, I was playing (I still remember, it was Final Fantasy 7) my game when from outside, I thought I heard a sound the likes of which I had never experienced. It was something between a roar and a howl, and it didn’t seem very far away at all. I remember hitting pause and sitting there in total silence for what felt like an eternity. I was questioning myself if I had heard anything at all, and I was just about to write it off as being my imagination when it happened again. This time, however, it was A LOT louder ad it sounded like it was literally in my front yard.

I felt like I wanted to panic. My heart started pounding, and I was overcome with a feeling like helplessness. I had the overwhelming feeling that this thing could come into my house and kill us all and there would be literally nothing we could do to stop it. I considered going to the window and looking out. I decided against this, though, because I had lived there long enough to know that out there in the darkness of the country, I wouldn’t be able to see anything. Not to mention, I was totally scared of what I might see. All I really knew for sure, was that I had never heard anything like this, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that it was some kind of demon or something.

About a year after this experience, my wife and I were watching a documentary about Bigfoot, and they played recorded howls that had been captured IN OHIO!!! I had never heard recordings like these but they were nearly identical to the sound I had heard in my front yard! I was covered in goosebumps as I explained to my wife that this was the same thing I had heard and told her all about a year prior.

In closing, I know I haven’t had an experience as exciting as some of your guests on the show, but I appreciate you letting me share these experiences with you. Thanks Wes, and keep up the good work!!!”

6 Responses to “It was nearly identical to the sound I had heard in my front yard”

    • Charles R

      Of course me being in OHIO, I too would love to know at least the county. In the time frame you are referencing there was a lot of activity going on in the Logan, County, Ohio area, which is the highest part of Ohio with a lot of rolling hills and enough forest. Totally unlike Darke Country where I live yet in late Nov. 2013 I had 4 taps on my window. I was to frightened to open the shade after just lying down to sleep. My dog growled, something he never did. Next morning I checked outside the window. There had been a heavy freeze the night before as temps hit low 20s. I found the matted down grass. Whatever had tapped was much taller than me at 6 foot as me reaching for that spot on the window put me 3 feet short. Although the dog had done his usual run in the yard just minutes before I did find one still matted down grass outline that measured 16 inches by 7 inches. It was clear to me what had happened and I may have been watched through my sun room windows for a long period of time just waiting for me to go to sleep. Also where the window was tapped was a fingertip grease spot 3 times larger than my finger. In retrospect, I wish I had opened the shade, but the thought of a monster face peering back at me from a foot away may have given me a heart attack. After tap number 4 I did grab my Walther next to me and run to the other side of the house to look, but with no contacts in, I could not see far. My dog never followed me, again very strange.

      In Ohio there is a lot of activity in the rural farm areas and has been for quite some time. Food is easy to come by here.

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