Dec 17

Investigating Toronto’s Tunnel Monster

Sir Spooks writes “In today’s special episode of Cryptid Profile we investigate the Toronto Tunnel Monster and the various theories surrounding the legend.”

4 Responses to “Investigating Toronto’s Tunnel Monster”

  1. Asheim

    The creature didn’t attack and just seemed to want to be left alone. It made me think of my childhood when I was in the second grade. We children made up a story of a witch that lived in the fields behind our school. We practically got ourselves believing it was true. We scared ourselves half to death. Little did we know what’s out there…

  2. Gumshoguy

    Toronto has an underground city that looks and feels like a mall underground. I could be wrong but I believe Atlanta, Ga., has one too. I am not sure of other major American cities that have explored and developed thriving cities underground though. Toronto is a about three times the size of Detroit, it is big old and dirty above ground, but the city underground is new and clean.

    I know about the underground Toronto city because of the arts and entertainment there i.e. Phantom of the opera, Pantages Theater.

    Denver is suppose to have a network of underground tunnels off limits to public and old Seatttle has a historical history of underground passages but that’s all I know of the topic.

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