Jan 28

Inspirational Story: Vietnam POW Ken Cordier

I am well aware that this is not bigfoot related but I wanted to share this with you. Never give up! Ken Cordier was an F-4 pilot during the Vietnam War. He was shot down by a S.A.M. and spent over six years in the Hanoi Hilton POW camp. He has one amazing story and he is truly an American hero.

9 Responses to “Inspirational Story: Vietnam POW Ken Cordier”

  1. Renee S

    The tears wouldn’t stop as I listened to his story. I’ve heard others as well. There’s not enough thanks to go around for these individuals’ sacrifices…

  2. Asheim

    Thanks so much for sharing this Wes. I heard many stories first hand by fellow soldiers as I joined up just at the wrapping up of the Vietnam era. I believe he has a book out there about what he endured.

  3. Rita S

    I had to re post this onto Face Book! When this man was a POW, I was finishing high school ….and beyond! We knew so little about what was actually happening in Vietnam! Yes, there was talk on the evening news, but so little was known. Mothers & wives sent care packages and waited on letters. I remembered hearing of schoolmates older than me who were shipped back home under flag-draped coffins. There was no face time or Skype with loved ones then in that war!! Culture shock came suddenly as men were flown home to try to pick up lives that had been interrupted by years of separation. The resilience of these men is amazing. They deserve our utmost respect and admiration.

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