Sep 22

I First Heard Of Sasquatch From My Grandpa As A Child

A listener writes “I first heard of Sasquatch from my grandpa as a child. However, that’s not what grandpa called them, because it was a completely different era. In fact, I think it’s safe to say that my grandpa never saw one thing about Sasquatch on the TV or read about them in any article. To grandpa, the mysterious beings were an anomaly to his area.

Grandpa was regularly warning me not to wonder far from the house, but my brothers and I had no real understanding of why he was warning us, therefore we were fearless as we traversed the land of our farm and even deeper into the National Forest that our land backed up against. We lived deep into the mountains with the Blue Ridge to the east and Allegheny to the west.

Despite the years we spent playing in those mountains and eventually hunting. In all of that time we never even encountered a big cat or bear of any kind, but as a young adult that would all change for me and as adults my brothers would also have their own encounters.

It has been nearly 30 years since I encountered 3 of these beings and although my family and children know of my encounter, I’ve never spoken publicly and I’m not sure that I can ever go public. I haven’t listened to many stories from others, so my experience with these creatures is not tainted by their encounters.

Due to how unbelievable my experience(s) with these beings are, I chose to remain silent all of these years. Then, I stumbled upon your site and heard the Ohio gentleman tell the story that he and his cousin encountered while boating. That gentleman’s story triggered a fear in me that was so profound that I was sick for a few weeks with serious anxiety and panic attacks. His description was spot on with mine. It also greatly angers me what our government did to him. I have always been a fighter and protector and I realized that if all of us were as brave as he was to bring his encounter forth, perhaps things would have been different for him.”

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