Great information posted by Jim AKA “Bear”, Jim writes “This comes from the West Coast Times in New Zealand, dated 29th of August 1868.
We take the following from the St. Louis Despatch
A strange-visaged creature, apparently one of Nature’s prodigies, has just been discovered near Meadville, Franklin County, Miss., causing much excitement in that usually monotonous village. A letter from a friend residing in that village, dated June 2, says:- “M. at this time is very much agitated on account of the strange creature seen near there. It is said to be similar to the one seen near Vicksburg last fall.”
A Vicksburg paper, of a date some few days subsequent to the discovery of this strange creature near that place, gave a full description of it and the manner in which it was discovered, which, given from memory, is in substance about as follows —”Some time in September last, as a party of huntsmen were driving in the swamps some few miles from the river, a trail was broken by the hounds, and followed up at a brisk pace, leaving the party far behind. In following the dogs, they discovered the track of the game in some miry places, which appeared similar to the track of a human foot; and they observed also that, the toes of one foot turned backward. On coming up with the dogs, which were now baying, they beheld a frightful-looking creature, of about the average height of man, but with far greater muscular development, standing menacingly a few yards in front of the dogs. It had long, coarse hair, flowing from its head and reaching near its knees its entire body also seemed to be covered with hair of two or three inches in length, which was of a dark brown color. From its upper jaw projected two very large tusks several inches long. Its head and face, as well as could be determined from the distance of the observers, bore a striking resemblance to that of the negro, except that the chin and cheeks were covered with long hair.
“On the near approach of the hunters, it fled with great rapidity toward the Mississippi river, and was not overtaken again until within a few yards of the bank. When the party came up with the dogs the second time, the monster was standing erect before them, none of them having yet dared to clinch with it. But when the dogs were urged by their masters, they endeavored to seize it, when it reached forward and grabbed one of them, and taking it in his hands, pressed it against its tusks, which pierced it through and killed it instantly. “Becoming alarmed at this display of strength, the hunters fired several shots at the creature, which caused it to leap into the river, It remained under water several minutes, and then rose almost entire length above the surface, uttering shrieks which almost petrified the pursuers with terror. No similar sound had ever come to these men, who were all familiar with the howl of the wolf, the whine of the panther, and the hoarse bellowing of the alligator. After sinking and rising several times, it swam to the Louisiana shore and disappeared.
Duke S
I have seen this report many times and at this point I am leaning towards a young Genoskwa as the possible suspect here.
roger s
Sounds like a giant black macaque. I take it the “tusks” are just very prominent upper canines.
Lou V
Why is there a picture of Michael Jackson above the story?
Janetta V
That is funny, Lol.
James M
Jacqueline O
I’m sorry, but I must comment…
Usually, if there is anything racist (or otherwise), it stems from the mind of the one who interprets it. I’m not saying that specifically about you, but to those others who might find it racist.
Personally, I thought the squatch was attempting the moon walk!
Lou V
Lou V
If the picture looked like Larry Bird I would of said why is there a picture of Larry Bird up there but sorry that damn drawing looks like Mike Jackson
Thats not the firat time I’ve heard and old encounter story that mentioned these creatures having what appered to be large tusks.
I think its worth considering that these creatures may have looked and acted quite different 150-200 years ago.
Inbreeding, interbreeding, crossbreeding with humans; these are all things that would alter the genetic make up of a species, thus altering it’s physical appearance and behaviors.
Jeffrey H
If it had tusks then wouldn’t it be a little to far south for what we have learn previously? Have they migrated north for colder weather or was it more peaceful up north where they are not bothered?
roger s
Jeffrey H
they were reported in Australia in the early days, so they do enjoy the warmer climes as well.
Duke S
They are still reported in Australia today, and I do not believe a Yowie and Bigfoot are the exact same thing anymore than I think Bigfoot is a Gorilla. Genoskwa have been reported all over the U.S. but always much less frequently than “standard” Bigfoot reports. It seems that as colonization occurred, Bigfoot continued to evade us and hide, while the more violent and territorial varieties were forced by their behavior to move away from us as we closed in. Gugwe seem to ignore us unless we are in their territory while Wendigo go out of their way to eliminate us from their areas, and given their homicidal behavior, I think the majority have been killed or retreated into vast forested areas with very few humans present, central Canada away from the coast or U.S. borders being one good example. Does this mean they are no longer present in the lower 48? No. It does mean that there are probably few of them remaining in the warmer areas, and those who are, are going to be further out in Wilderness areas that are seldom/never visited by humans. The kinds of places from which hikers sometimes go missing without a trace……
Paul M
Ouch. Duke you make me think I’m vulnerable in DEM DAR WOODS. I’M KIDDING of course. I’m from MN. And been in most states including Ak. I don’t like to be out in any rural areas without at least a snub 44 mag. Or bigger. Thanks for your show pal it’s really appreciated by my wife and me. Paul
James M
Thanks Duke ! No more woods for me! I am an armchair SASQUATCH researcher now. Good luck guys!
Thank you Duke for sharing the knowledge you have accumulated. I don’t know my rear from my elbow when it comes to these cryptids but there are some researchers I have faith in. Thanks to Wes being who he is, which allows me to learn from those he trust. It is because I have two young sons on the cusp of being young men who I try to teach the beauty and to enjoy the woods that I wish to learn the truth.
I meant Bear, oops.
Tara J
I’m curious about what is meant by the toes of one foot turned backward. I can’t for the life of me picture in my mind what that would look like in a footprint.
Duke S
It was possibly a misidentified knuckle print, it would look like a partial footprint with the toes turned the wrong way