Feb 27

Giants in America: Ancient Giant Tribes

Phenomenon Report writes “There is proof that the giant tribes of the Levant traveled to America. Massive skeletons and skulls have been exhumed over the last couple centuries in burial mounds scattered throughout the country that prove that giants, far larger than people of today, competed for resources.

This includes Native American oral histories and a large body of evidence that has been collected and destroyed by the Manifest Destiny obsessed curator of the Smithsonian Institute in the 19th century. Several remains were described as “monkey-like”. However, there are still many burial mounds out there…yet to be explored!”

6 Responses to “Giants in America: Ancient Giant Tribes”

  1. MONTE M

    I would love a few shows on giants. This is as interesting as Sasquatch and they could be in relation somehow. ” it shocked me, they dont make people that big”. Maybe people that big had something to do with Sasquatch or Visa versa?

  2. MONTE M

    I thought there was something about the Mississippi River that there have been large skeletons found along that river. I happened across this blog years back called The Daily Giant that told stories of Giants in North America. The Mississippi River starts in Central MN from a series of small creeks that create the source. The river runs through much backwoods terrain in Northern MN by Bemedji, Walker, Grand Rapids, etc. There are more Bigfoot sightings unreported through that region than you could shake a stick at. I suppose that’s true of everywhere.

  3. MONTE M

    I find it interesting about river sources and watersheds. The San Juan Mountains in SW Colorado is the source of numerous rivers. They start at the top of the range where numerous small creeks form into a river.

  4. Donald P

    Yes, more giant stories please. I find them to be as interesting as Sasquatch or even more so. Just imagine seeing something as tall as a two story house that is man like in appearance and you can feel the ground shake as it walks!

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