From The Shadows writes “Joel joins s to share an experience he had as a teenager on a remote island in the Pacific Northwest. The dark figure he saw walking in the woods towards his camp remains a mystery to this day.
He also shared a few other paranormal experiences that remain vivid in his mind 20 years later.”
Linda B
I have been reading a book, The Purauitnkf Vjctory by Clarenxe Haynes and thisnauthorbwrotesnthe minute we receive Jesus Christ as our Savior we enter a fight. The two enemies are satan and self. In this case it had to be the first one, satan, attacking a poor young man and his poor father. So sad. The author writes about what the Bible says about guarding your heart. He talks about what this spiritual heart is (decisions, people and influences in your life, our wills lining up with the Bible) and he says we should be letting the Holy Spirit guide us every day so we defeat enemy #2 which is the hardest to beat, our sin nature in ourselves… and some people think Christians are wimps. I don’t think so. Very cool story. I do think sasquatch are negative entities, some more so than others. Thanks for sharing your story. Thanks Wes.
Linda B
Sorry for the typos I couldn’t scroll to read or proof it.
The Pursuit of Victory by Clarence Hughes and this author wrote the minute….. is typo deciphered.
Linda B
Haynes not Hughes.