Jun 8

Follow up: What Sasquatch is NOT

Last night on the show I talked about how some people in the community feel that the Sasquatch are in fact, the Nephilim. Instead of debating whether or not Sasquatch are the Nephilim, I decided to develop a show on the Nephilim. After the evidence is presented we can carefully look at the facts and see if it fits into what we know of Sasquatch and their behaviors.

Some feel I am wasting my time while others are happy I am doing the show. I hope by the end of the show everyone can walk away with something, some information they did not have before.

My guest this week will be Gary Wayne, author of The Genesis 6 Conspiracy: How Secret Societies and the Descendants of Giants Plan to Enslave Humankind. You can find Gary’s book here it is also available at Walmart and other locations.



35 Responses to “Follow up: What Sasquatch is NOT”

  1. Gail d

    Not sure Sasquatch are Nephilim or just smart dirty apes. It will enjoy listening to Mr Wayne. I have read the bible cover to cover 5 times but still on the fence about Sasquatch relationship to Nephilim.

  2. Gale R

    Hi Wes, I have always been interested in all these subjects and am looking forward to it! I don’t think Sasquatch/Bigfoot are Nephilim but totally support your decision to discuss this. As I said, I’m looking forward to it very much!

    • Derek G

      Too Bad. I’m not skipping it…. I’m simply interested in how this will play out and the arguments for both sides. I don’t think the Nephilim thing or theory has any foundation whatsoever but will listen to it anyway just to see where other people are coming from. That is the reason many people love to listen to organized debates surrounding the topics they are interested in….. 2 different views and how they differ. I studied Catholic/Christian philosophy and theology for 8 years in Italy and am completely and utterly convinced of the truth of the Catholic Faith but I still learn from Protestants and other religions and study them. It has just convinced me more and more of the Truth. So…. just as I have always hoped to hear an Atheist intelligently present a case for atheism and have always been amused but very disappointed so I will find it amusing to hear someone try and argue a case for the Nephilim being related in any way to Sasquatch.

  3. Rob N

    Hi Wes. I think your approach to the Nephilim thing is well considered, but as I see it, ‘real’ stuff and religion don’t usefully mix – but looking forward to the show as always, and hearing and learning more of what people are thinking

    • Derek G

      …mmmm…. “real stuff” and religion don’t mix…. That doesn’t even make sense…. considering there is nothing more real than religion, so the opposite is true…. If what you call, “real stuff” doesn’t mix with religion then sorry to say but I don’t think it is “real stuff” but probably imaginary unreal stuff. So here is to hope that the “real stuff” catches up to reality! Cheers!

  4. Ed P

    Maybe Nephallim, Maybe Esau…..maybe a primate which has adapted….even religious folks might agree that a higher power put them here either way?:)

  5. Janetta V

    Hi Wes., As I see it, You cannot separate real stuff from religion. God and Jesus are the only true real stuff. So if you are looking for real answers you cannot leave religion or God out. He is the one with all the answers, TRUE ANSWERS. God created everything and that included THE REAL STUFF. I think you are right on with these books. Some people have been gifted to understand things in a way that others can’t, like possibly the author of this book, and others similar. As far a sasquatch and the Nephallim, who knows, they could have blood traces of the Nephallim in them, but are several steps down. You have got to admitt, for as fast as they can move, seems like something superN. is woven in there. Peace and calm to all who have been terrorized by these things. Janetta

    • Derek G

      Two Thumbs up for Janetta! Awesome! I hadn’t read your comment before I replied to the “real stuff” comment above. In your support I will post again….. …mmmm…. “real stuff” and religion don’t mix…. That doesn’t even make sense…. considering there is nothing more real than religion, so the opposite is true…. If what you call, “real stuff” doesn’t mix with religion then sorry to say but I don’t think it is “real stuff” but probably imaginary unreal stuff. So here is to hope that the “real stuff” catches up to reality! Cheers!

  6. Frankie P

    I’ll be watching! I’ve read a lot on Nephilim and Watchers, and do not believe Sasquatch/BF is one of these, but it will be informative. Your podcasts always are!

  7. Tyler D

    I love history even if I don’t think that sasquatch are the Nephilim. You can never really learn enough. N I believe all myths n legends have some basis in fact, even if it is very minuscule. I think the answer of what sasquatch is is more than likely a lot simpler than some people believe it to be. I honestly believe it to be a flesh n blood wild animal, the difference that separates sasquatch from the rest of the animal kingdom is it’s intelligence hands down. So I can definitely see why some people can believe it’s a biblical giant. Even tho the Nephilim isn’t really on the table for me as an option I will still be listening in to find out why others believe this

  8. Charles B

    Mato lineal human DNA is a tribute to contamination of the hair samples,but to me it says that they are part human. The Indian oral tradition supports this, what is the other part/ parts? A neanderthal /human/ nephalim hybrid would cover the bases.

  9. Kim L

    Look forward to this discussion, I hope Wes, you will present this guest as an author, presenting his ideas and conclusions on this subject, rather than “the authority” Just reviewing this book on amazon, I see much unscriptural, nevertheless, I’ll give a listen, based on your track record of great, informative shows. Ron Morehead presents some ideas I reject, but I’ve enjoyed him also. To the field !!

  10. Donald B.


    • Derek G

      Is that what the Angels told you personally? I mean… really… who cooks up these wild theories and on what authority do they present it as reality?

  11. tom b

    I do not think sasquatch is Nephilim, but you never know I might learn something. Nobody is talking about it, but I found it very interesting that Woody did not believe everything Will said (i did not either) Much respect bro….

  12. Rick F

    As far as what the bible says about the nephilim , they are never spoken of as being hair covered ape like creatures , who can speak human language . There were some gentile races that were giants , up to 9 feet tall. They were all wiped out in major wars after the exodus by the Jewish nation we call Israel .

  13. Gabriel H

    Great thoughts from everybody

    There’s a niche of belief here. That alone makes it relevant. And like it or not what we used to think of as “real” is blurring. Quantum entanglement is a reality. The double slit experiment, is a reality – as are many biblical references & passages. I have a feeling that through our expanderstanding of what is real, we’re going to learn some astounding realities behind even much of what our most famous Earth Player’s Guides have to tell us.

    • Michael K

      Stop with the rubbishy non factual conspiracy trash. 9th cousins is not a thing. Everyone on the planet is related by those silly numbers.
      1/5th of all Chinese have Chengis Khans DNA but it doesnt mean anything except for he had lots of offspring, plus he was Nomadic Horse Herder that made his own empire. You can use it to prove anything. Dynastic ruling lineages are families, thats all. None of them have the longevity this sillyness needs to be valid. Example: Chandra Gupta saw Alexander the great’s procession and decided to be a King. Made his own empire. Alexander’s own war capitan took over Egypt – the Ptolemies were Greek. A new “dynasty” just pulled out of mid air. The middle east; all “Royal” families are created well after the the Islamic Golden age ann most around the 1920’s when they became Oil wealthy.
      The English Royals arent english at all they died off long ago. European royal houses are all Inventions that evolve from the power vacuums left over from the Roman Empire. Most are gone and those that remain are figure heads of constitutional Monarchies and they have no actual power. The Oldest royal family in the world is the Danish royal family. It dates back to th 11th-12th Century Post Viking age. In other words it was created then from a powerful chieftain of their own volition. Not linked to the ancients.
      You Americans are all nuts, getting nuttier and happy doing so.

    • Derek G

      The earth being flat was thought to be reality at one point… What we thought of Reality is blurring? Only if you need glasses! A Tree and always will be. What we know of it might change or our knowledge of the universe may deepen or grow but it will never the reality we see as a whole. 1 + 1 = 2 and that will be true in any infinite number of universes.

  14. Kay S

    I personally don’t think that Sasquatch are Nepilim. I’ll still be watching the show. I have always been open minded; a closed mind never learns anything new and can’t be changed.

  15. Copperhead120

    I don’t believe the sasquatch is nephelometer at all. They are wild animals. I agree with Wes that the nephelometer have infiltrated every government and are running things behind the scenes. They are the illuminati. I’ve researched the dark agenda that they are running and the brainwashing, horrible abuse of children and mind control of politicians, actors and singers.

  16. Copperhead120

    I don’t believe the sasquatch is nephilim at all. They are wild animals. I agree with Wes that the nephelometer have infiltrated every government and are running things behind the scenes. They are the illuminati. I’ve researched the dark agenda that they are running and the brainwashing, horrible abuse of children and mind control of politicians, actors and singers.

  17. Eddie M

    There’s recessive genes that appear as totally different facial features in different sightings…people describe human facial features . Downs Syndrome Facial features, ape facial features. Recessive “means” the genetics are “there” some where back down the genetic road. Not a stretch using visual evidence there has to be a Genetical reason people are seeing human, ape , downs appearance.. The latter probably in breeding. Personally I thought I’d seen an extremely healthy Gibbon…long limbed and and buffed up. No human facial features…

  18. Natalie J

    In pursuit of the truth, leave no stone unturned and keep an open mind. If we want to know the truth about anything at all, the best way to it is to explore every possibility. That is the basis of scientific discovery. We easily forget all of the ways in which science ventured into formerly unacceptable and ridiculous territory to bring us to our present level of knowledge about the world around us.

  19. Esther P

    This is going to be very interesting & very deep.. wow! Mr Wayne’s research is aligned with the other truth seekers out there that are trying to fight this battle of truth vs. deception by removing the veil that has so conveniently kept too many of us brainwashed into believing the lies told to us. The information is out there now… And now its up to us to decide what we will accept or not accept OR what is truth & what is not truth…. And who says you can’t have spirituality without science?… Last I looked everything in the universe, including humans, are based on sacred geometry/math…And math is a science… All of this is just my opinion, nothing more, nothing less.

  20. Pierre M

    We are not sure what Sasquatch exactly are. So excluding them not being The Nephelium would be jumping to conclusions. Having a closed mind is what is holding alot of researchers back from really knowing what these creatures are. Theyre like us in ways but very much not like us in other ways. Alot of people report Sasquatch like creatures doing highly strange things and highly strange things happening in theree prescence. Most people call us crazy for saying we saw a Sasquatch or believe they exist. Were not sure what they are.

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