Dec 26

Exploring Northern California: In search of Bigfoot

Exploring Traditions writes “Exploring Northern California, Part 1; In search of Bigfoot. We go in search of legends regarding the legendary creature known as Bigfoot in the Northern California wilderness. We travel through the epicenter of sightings and camp in some of the most remote and secluded regions that were known to birth the modern Bigfoot craze.”

13 Responses to “Exploring Northern California: In search of Bigfoot”

  1. michael n

    I just dont think it is at all necessary to go so far away from civilization. We know they live very close and sometimes among cities. We all know the farther you get out into the mountains and wilderness the chances of coming across something really nasty increase.
    Anyway all the best.

  2. Patricia R

    I know this is just human nature and all, but do people think Patty is still standing in the same spot where she was filmed in 1967?

    It could just be the vivid image of seeing her there, and I know that wasn’t the only sighting in that immediate area , there were also many tracks found. And of course people who have seen creatures in person do have to go back to try and confirm it wasn’t a hallucination or trick of the light and shadow. They are compelled to go and search and I understand that very well.
    A deep curiosity is born, in many people who see them, to go and see them again, and many do have repeated sightings.

    I am not making fun of this guy—but people seem to think they can just go to a reported sighting place and they don’t understand that it isn’t like visiting Yogi Bear—they aren’t going to just walk up and shake hands.

    These creatures’ main focus or “prime directive” seems to be AVOID HUMANS, and rightly so.
    Animals and other people who get in humans’ way are often killed.
    I believe they have also witnessed the near genocide of the Indigenous people and the treatment of the Africans that were brought here, too, and passed those stories down to the present day.
    They know if they attract too much attention, humans will come for them in a serious way.

    This whole subject seems to make people do strange and risky things—like wood knocks and calls.
    I know it’s reasonable to think of making a call, like people who use duck calls and coyote calls when hunting.
    But they should think this though–do they REALLY want a Sasquatch to come up to them?
    What will they do when it happens?
    As Wes often says, “Be careful what you wish for”.

    • Glen K

      You bring up some excellent points, Patricia. I had some of the same thoughts watching this piece and others. It reminds me of episodes of Finding Bigfoot. They have town hall meetings, where people relate encounters, which is Great! However, then they try to locate a cluster of these sightings, and go in search of. I think the problem is once a Sasquatch has an encounter with a human, he will not return to that same location for quite some time, if ever! That is why the great majority of sightings are by chance-being in the right place at the right time. Not going in search of them. I had never considered your other theories regarding Native Americans and slaves. Very interesting thoughts. They certainly make sense.

      • Patricia R

        Thanks Glen.
        It’s good to get positive feedback.
        (Once I made a comment on a yahoo story and was simply told I was a “dumb arse”.
        ! Just a bit of trivia.)

        I think people don’t realize how many untold hours the Sasquatch have spent watching humans and all we do.
        I’m sure a lot of it seems insane to them.
        It’s possible they just live alternatively to us—we sleep at night, they hunt at night, and so on, to avoid interaction.
        It seems, a lot of the time, they just want humans to go away and they know how to scare them away very effectively.
        The way they are reportedly able to not expose their sillouette on a ridgeline, for example, and to travel so they have the advantage of being able to see without being seen almost makes it seem like they have had military training.
        Just pure speculation on my part.
        The imagination wanders while listening to these accounts, doesn’t it?

        • Glen K

          I love listening to these encounter stories as well !! You are not dumb by any means. Like many here, I am Fascinated by the subject, and read whatever I can. However, just like I never heard about the Smallpox theory, I’ve never heard of the theory that Sasquatch witnessed atrocities perpetrated against Native Indians and/or slaves. I’m curious as to whether you read this somewhere, or thought of it yourself?

          • Patricia R

            I think it must have been brought to mind in an interview with a First Nations guest, on this show or maybe another.
            They were talking about how long the Sasquatch might have been here before present day times, and I just thought of how much they had seen over time, by watching the humans.
            And it makes sense, that they would avoid humans now the way they do.
            I’m sure they pass stories and legends down, too, like we do.

  3. Patricia R

    I want to say again–I am not making fun of this guy or anyone, just musing out loud. Thoughts I had while watching the video.
    I know it takes a lot of nerve to seek these creatures out and I hope everyone who goes out there takes a buddy and stays safe.

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