Nov 1

Do You Believe In Bigfoot?

Do You Believe In Bigfoot? One man says he can prove that the Sasquatch is real and is taking his fight to BC Supreme Court. Tom Walsh reports.

22 Responses to “Do You Believe In Bigfoot?”

  1. Steven B

    The real question is: Do Bigfoot believe in us?

    Think about it. They don’t appear to have cell phones, video cams, digital cams, trail cams, track casting plaster, FLIR, audio recorders – all they have is word of mouth and maybe the odd “sample” brought back which may be quickly confiscated by Mountain Giants so that the “proof” disappears. Perhaps this is why sightings are on the rise. A few are bringing the many to prove to them that humans are real… 😉

  2. James (Waylon) Johnson

    He will still need empirical evidence I believe. The bar for Sasquatch has been set too high by years of being a victim of it’s own weirdness, popularity and hoaxing. Todd’s video’s won’t be enough, no matter how crystal clear they may be, even if one believes the subject captured is genuine. If video was enough the PG film, the Freeman footage and several others would have secured serious scientific inquiry on a global scale long before now. Being that Sasquatch is so human-like; the splinter in the eye of healthy skeptic inquiry will always be “It’s could always be a man in a suit” or “CGI” or “Animatronics” and the list goes on and on. Our technology in the trained hands of dedicated individuals has made locating active habitat and individual research subjects easier there is no doubt; but it is also our Achilles heal in the information age. New avenues for observation also bring with them new opportunities for schicanary.
    If video was enough t we would have a UFO welcome center in every country on the globe. The powers that be are well aware of these creatures existence, only the pressure that the right organizations within the scientific community can bring to bear if they choose will potentially push Sasquatch into the light of day. Science requires more from Bigfoot and it’s proponents before anyone is going to wholeheartedly stick their neck out, be they in academia or any other high profile discipline. The truth is already known, I firmly believe; the bigger question is why is it being kept in shadow, and what will happen when the light shines into that deep dark corner?

  3. Gumshoguy

    Grab a comfortable seat and some good popcorn! Could be nothing less than a publicity stunt 
. but I believe it goes beyond that.

    Speaking as a matter of opinion -not as a legal scholar this is how I read this:

    The court case the article speaks of is a genius and win-win whether they win or lose. It will draw unwanted attention to the topic of Bigfoot in ways unseen before and it could captivate public attention in ways greater than the O.J. Simpson trial. Since it is presumed there is no body there can be no evidence right …?

    This is as I understand not a criminal case therefore the standard of proof is less than what would be needed to prove a crime was committed.

    But in a court case based on preponderance of evidence whereby standards of proof are not as demanding meaning less than the elements needed to prove a crime was committed, all one side (the Bigfoot Researchers v. Government) has to do is tip the scales of justice ever so gently one way or another to prove their case.

    Skeptics and deniers will absolutely blow their tops and some may lose their mind over this.

    Of course science and legal experts fence sitters will be watching though nobody knows what the odds are since the bookings aren’t talking….

    Now picture this 
. The government and Bigfoot Researchers will parade a carnival of witnesses before television media and as things get heated, the government will be forced to prove to prove before the eyes of the world, that Bigfoot does not exist. Bigfoot enthusiasts and self-proclaimed researchers will undoubtedly present their side including casted tracks, hair, tissue and probably blood samples all completely admissible as physical evidence; some expert opinions, eye-witness testimony, and whatever anecdotal information they care to offer.

    The government will be forced present an opposing defense denying all such claims mockingly and will have to steel themselves against some of the most horrific reports people are reporting.

    The floodgates are open …Doesn’t matter much if the government prevails at this point because genie is out of the box and everyone who knows or can relate to someone being injured, killed, had property damaged , terrified to the point of needing professionally counseling, had pets disappear or destroyed by these animals will probably begin filing for damages against the government for concealing something they were aware but failed to adequately warn the public about much the same way it is makers of asbestos and the tobacco industry.

  4. Gumshoguy

    Doesn’t matter what anyone else says evidence lies within each person who either heard, smelled, touched, felt or saw one with their own eyes or five senses. You want bones go find some bones. If you argue where are the bones? I would answer probably out there in the same place and condition where J.B. Cooper’s bones are.

  5. Glen K

    (New Jersey) Good for him!! I hope he persists and wins the case. Sasquatch absolutely, positively deserve protection. They are an extremely rare and elusive species that we have Much to still learn about. We postpone dams and major building projects to safeguard tadpoles!! Here we have a primate that many witnesses swear have human qualities! So much to learn, and such good reason to punish anyone attempting to kill/injure these beings. A Major Criminal Felony punishable by serious jail time would hopefully deter anyone attempting to harm a Bigfoot.

  6. Gumshoguy

    I doubt they will prevail in classical sense but they certainly have a greater opportunity to win in the court of public opinion. In that event it is a “win – win” situation for the Bigfoot community.

    More and more jurisdictions have established local ordinances and laws addressing the protection of Bigfoots Sasquatches with harsh penalties and this is what, I believe the Bigfoot Researchers are going to use to force the governments hand.

    If it doesn’t exist, why have the Bigfoot Protection law or ordinance?

    If it is for the protection of a beast, the Bigfoot Researchers may demand the government prove the beast exists. That strategy places the government in a very precarious position since they will have to defend the laws or ordinances or play Texas Hold em’ and fold their cards. Either way if they defend it the other side would likely demand the court to force the government to produce evidence to prove their case.

  7. Gumshoguy

    Most farmers are conscientious and become extremely attached to their livestock. The cost to care and feed for the animals is very expensive and tedious work. Pet owners (like me) adopt a pet and we become very attached to our family members. When they are destroyed needlessly who is responsible? Can we sue Bigfoot Sasquatch in court for damages and emotional suffering? Who will serve them a signed subpoena ordering them to appear in court?

    Hundreds of thousands BF reports read and analyzed point to these staggering losses:

    Domestic cattle 438
    Domestic dogs 212
    Domestic cats 161
    Domestic chickens 1033
    Domestic donkey 2
    Domestic ducks 53
    Domestic geese 8
    Domestic goats 77
    Domestic hogs 196
    Domestic horse 50
    Domestic mule 1
    Domestic rabbit 88
    Domestic sheep 116
    Domestic turkey 25

    • Gabriel H

      I’m starting the BSSC ~ bigfoot subpoena servicing corp ~ Just decided that now. I’ll post positions for runners shortly and investors can leave a message after the beep

  8. Gumshoguy

    Do we protect Bigfoot Sasquatches, or do we protect ourselves from them?

    Many of these are displayed BF behaviors reported would be classified as anti-social or criminal if they were human beings. Other terms used here are activities people or locations where people were occupying when confronted by BF. The below list is not exclusive to all but a fair representation of what is being reported.

    Abducted or Attempt 75
    Aggression 1595
    Animal Carcasses Reports 831
    ATV Riders 240
    Bicyclist/ Motorcyclist 282
    Boaters 339
    Campers 3226
    Campsites Torn up 49
    Cannibalism 39
    Vehicle Shaking 38
    Chasing People 378
    Climbing (Roofs) 28
    Collisions w/ BF 52
    Damaged Property 206
    Farmers/ Farming 1395
    Fishing 957
    Flashing Teeth at People 56
    Forced Entry 40
    Going Bathroom 90
    Golfing 22
    Gunfire 802
    Herding People 19
    Hiker/ Hiking 4717
    Horseback Riders 178
    House Pounding 132
    House Scratching 32
    Hunters/ Hunting 2922
    Injured Humans 112
    Killed Humans 32
    LEO/ Govt Involved 1457
    Military 221
    Motorist 4311
    Multiple BF Observed 754
    Other Govt. Agencies Involved 847
    Residential Homes 4262
    Stolen Food 142
    Stolen Tools 10
    Touching Humans 18
    Throwing Objects 664
    Tree Breaking 324
    Tree Felling 36
    Tree Shaking 84
    Tree Twist 34
    Vocals/ Vocalizations 3749
    Watching Kids 522
    Window Peeping 693

  9. Gumshoguy

    Thanks Gabe, but I am not in any way part of the effort to prove or disprove Bigfoot/ Sasquatch however; I would probably lend a hand if asked, or at least I would consider it very carefully.

  10. Gumshoguy

    From the list: (Acts of Aggression) are sort of the capstone to what binds this altogether people. When I hear people pleading for the protection of these creatures I just wonder if they know that everyday walking up and down your sidewalks; your streets, Cafés, your favorite shopping places and anywhere North America you have humans walking around displaying similar behavioral traits and some of these people have no business around people. Some are extremely dangerous people (underline that).

    Do we protect them? Do we protect them from us? Do we protect society from them ?

    We call the police to handle them when we can and they do!

  11. Gumshoguy

    People won’t tolerate somebody standing in front of them screaming at them, they won’t tolerate anyone shadowing them; pacing them step for step, peeking at them from behind objects, flashing teeth at them, throwing things at them, stealing from them, molesting their women or children 
 that doesn’t fly in normal society.

    So it is that I attempt to demonstrate that while it sounds fitting and nice to be stewards of all life there are limits and where we draw a line and determine what those limits are is what this is all about. It encapsulates those behaviors you wouldn’t tolerate in or around your home, streets or anyplace in public, but we do to a fault in in the great outdoors.

  12. Gumshoguy

    However, whether you are farming, camping, fishing, hunting, hiking, bicycling, riding your motorcycle or ATV, snowmobiling, driving your car, boating along, horseback riding, skiing, or simply living your life raising your family you do not expect harassment or intimidation in your place of abode. We won’t tolerate that on the streets of civil society why would anyone expect to tolerate that by a beasts physically able to rip us like a piece of bathroom tissue ?

    Are we to believe that we should protect them from us, or protect us from them?

    If the world is confused that we believe we should now protect purveyor of immense destruction from civil society then we should also fall to our suppliant knees and plea for all prisons and jails to release all prisoners unto the streets because they also need to be protected ….

    • Steven B

      plea for all prisons and jails to release all prisoners unto the streets because they also need to be protected 

      doesn’t that already just kind of happen all by itself? I think they call them “repeat offenders” 😉

  13. Gumshoguy

    People especially parents men or women usually don’t tolerate abhorrent behavior such as peeping in windows, watching kids, pounding on houses, throwing dangerous missiles or objects people or homes, climbing on roofs or generally being a nuisance’s especially around family.

    Typically when humans are cornered and threatened they will act in the protection and safety of their family first, their self and others and that is when gunfire erupts. This study has illustrated that people aren’t the shoot first ask question later type media would have us believe rather the truth demonstrates succinctly that humans have exercised great restraint and using gunfire as last resort toward these beasts.

    In conclusion when you look at the list provided you will note double the number of aggressive acts as opposed to the number of BF reports resulting in gunfire. To me this shows great restraint on behalf of people and something that should be studied more.

  14. Gumshoguy

    Well, the metaphor I used that I hoped was clear was this: Protecting Bigfoot from us is like releasing all the vicious prisoners from incarceration and pleading for their protection from us.

    • Steven B

      Just messin’ with ya, Gum. 🙂 I know what you meant – it was clear. At times, though, I think there are people in this fine land that would perfectly fine with that scenario for prisoners.

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