Jan 22

Deputy Sheriff’s Bigfoot Encounter

Bob Gymlan writes “John Green interviewed a deputy sheriff in Washington.” John Willison Green (February 12, 1927 – May 28, 2016) was a Canadian journalist and a leading researcher into the Bigfoot phenomenon. He was a graduate of both the University of British Columbia and Columbia University and compiled a database of more than 3000 sighting and track reports.

3 Responses to “Deputy Sheriff’s Bigfoot Encounter”

  1. Richard W

    I don’t believe John Greene would fake an interview for notoriety. Just because a person doesn’t react to the “script” describing his sighting, doesn’t mean it’s not factual. The two minute sighting could have been 20 seconds. Time is relate to to what we see in a given frame of time. His “short step” recall is three steps across half the highway. In that period of highway design, that was twelve feet. Four ft per step. Humans are more in the 30” stride, not the 36” stride we like to believe. I believe the officer did have an encounter. It was non-threatening; so, he remained calm through the sighting.

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