Jun 8

Creature who eluded scientists is finally caught on film

There are some animals that hold a special place in our hearts. From tigers to horses, we know about them from a young age and appreciate their majesty.

But there are other animals, however, that are so rare and magnificent that few have been lucky enough to know about them, much less see them. That’s certainly the case with the bay cats of Borneo who are so elusive, most have never even known of their existence…until now.

The fact that this mysterious big cat from Borneo was found at all is remarkable in its own right, but it doesn’t stop there. Just wait until you see this stunning animal for yourself…and learn what makes it special even among other bay cats!


Not only was this bay cat spotted on film about 40 miles outside of what is considered his native range, but these Bornean mammals are quite rare in general. They’re currently listed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature as “endangered.”

The island of Borneo, which is largely made up of rainforests, currently holds fewer than 2,500 of these amazing creatures. Due to the threats posed by the increased loss of their habitat, their populations are expected to dwindle by 20 percent in 2020.

The bay cat caught on camera had a relatively unusual appearance when compared to the rest of his species. For reference, they usually have chestnut-colored fur and white streaks in their tails, like the one below.

So the fact that this special animal was discovered—and captured on film with such clarity—was truly remarkable. Bay cats are solitary in nature, nocturnal, and have a low population density, which already makes them exceedingly difficult to find.

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