May 13

Cossatot Falls Encounter

A listener writes “Me and my finance are from Houma Louisiana, which is Deep South la. We planned a trip to broken bow Oklahoma but our cabin wasn’t gonna be ready till Thursday at 4pm so we drove up to cossatot falls to camp Wednesday night.

Got there at about 10pm. Set up the tent then went walk to see if we could see the falls with headlamps. While looking for the falls we noticed white glowing eyes staring at us from the river bank. Watched them until they blinked and we took off back to campsite. Made a fire, while making a fire noticed 2 more glowing white eyes watchin us from 70yrds up the mountain that was Behind us and it was using a tree to swing back and forth behind Later went to bed and they came into campsite, ran us out of tent at 3 am. However wen I started to hear them getting close to camp I put my phone on record but wen we left the tent in such a hurry I forgot my phone in the tent.

So for the 2 hrs we were in town waiting for daylight so we could go back my phone was recording and caught bipedal walking and weird noises. Also found tracks wen we went back.”

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