This week on SC: The Sasquatch Property

This week my guest is Michael Brookreson. Mike was new to the area and had just moved to this rural property. After moving in Mike noticed some strange vocalizations around his property but blew them off. Mike said that he has had several researchers out to the property. In this small clip Mike talks about… Read more »

Sasquatch in my Arkansas backyard

FORT SMITH, Arkansas — A 24-year-old man says he was surprised by a big creature he believes to be a Bigfoot in his Arkansas backyard. Josh Spence, a boxer who is also a rapper that goes by the name of Dante Ray, said that he noticed the animal when he went outside to smoke a… Read more »

Possible Baby ‘Yowie’ Screams Recorded

A researcher in Australia captured the sounds of what he believes could be a possible Yowie and shared footage of leftovers he suspects were discarded by the creature. Jason Heal, member of the J & J ​ Yowie Search organization, was reportedly trying to gather more evidence to add to his video archives when he… Read more »

Minister Captures Possible ‘Baby Sasquatch’ Sounds

I have posted this before but I thought we should revisit it. Listener “Sandie” sent this to me. The article states: TUSCALOOSA, Ala.– A woman on Sunday provided audio of what she thinks are the cries of a ‘baby Bigfoot’ and her dog being “hit” by a protective “Momma Bigfoot”. Mary K. Scruggs, an Alabama… Read more »

SC EP:130 A Trapper is killed

  The Bauman story comes from President Theodore Roosevelt’s 1892 book, The Wilderness Hunter, which describes an encounter between an ape-man and a young frontiersman named Bauman. According to Roosevelt, Bauman and his partner were trapping along a remote stretch of Montana’s Wisdom River sometime in the mid-19th century. After building a lean-to and making… Read more »

Duck hunter heard vocalizations from three individuals

What is interesting about this report is that it occurred in 1978 well before people started call blasting. The witness writes ” In Dec. 1978 I was duck hunting on Stockton Lake, Dade county 5 miles north of Greenfield, MO. At 630 a critter 200-300 yards to my right called a scream twice as loud as… Read more »

Watch: Bigfoot Chronicles: Wally’s Story

Bigfoot Chronicles is about a skeptical filmmaker who’s hired to document Bigfoot sightings. He travels to a hot spot of Bigfoot activity and pursues the wild beast. This is the story that inspired the movie Bigfoot Chronicles. In its second week it had impressive numbers sold at just Walmart.

Strange nighttime encounter at a rural home

This event took place in the Fall of 2005 in McDonald County, Missouri. The witness states “It was a dark night and I heard the dogs all barking from their cages, which was not that unusual as they would do this whenever a coyote would come close or a car would drive by. I grabbed… Read more »

What causes the feeling of “being watched”?

Over the years of your life, you accumulate knowledge as to what is normal and what it not. The vast majority of this knowledge is accessed below the conscious level, meaning that your brain is processing information constantly without yourself being aware of it. Things, situations, scenarios in everyday life jive (clinical term) with what… Read more »

Sasquatch Chronicles Gear

I have some other items I am going to add like beenies, hoodies, ect. Here are some of the items coming to the website. I have both Men’s and Women’s sizes and cuts. Look for them in the near future. яндекс

Hikers hear “weird vocal exchange”

My son and I were hiking near Lake Ann in the Northern Cascades around 6:00 pm on Sat. Sep. 6, 2014. We were in a little cirque just down the trail from Lake Ann. From the bluff high above us (to our northwest) to a crag on the other side of the highway (to our… Read more »

The Day Bigfoot Showed Up at a Military Base

In the spring of 1982, a soldier training at Fort Leonard Wood Army Base in Missouri encountered an unidentified beast. Their training consisted of an intensive eight week program, and Erik Youngdahl remembers it well. “We had a few breaks and were fully rested for our one stint of overnight guard duty at some location… Read more »

Tonight SC EP:129 Creatures surrounded my campsite

Tonight I will be speaking to Jack who had a terrifying night while camping. Jack had been taking anthropology and biology courses in college and decided to take the weekend off and go camping. This night would change Jacks life. As the sun was going down Jack heard what he describes as “whoops” in the… Read more »

The unidentified “prowler”

This encounter happened in 1981 in Latimer County, Oklahoma. It was dark, about 8pm. My two sons and I were watching television while eating popcorn. The eldest, age 16 was sitting across the room, on the loveseat. The youngest, age 8 was sitting next to me on the sofa, we were sharing a bowl of… Read more »

Watch: Bigfoot – The Treehouse film

The YouTuber writes “Filmed by a group of kids playing in the snow in their tree-house, this Sasquatch was measured by Bigfoot investigator Jack Barnes to be in the eight-foot tall region after comparing it to the scale of a standard-sized picnic table. The kids document the sighting well and also show the creature’s tracks.”

This week on SC – Terrifying night in the woods

I am working on a couple of shows this week. I was just speaking to a gentleman who had a pretty terrifying night in the woods. The creatures surrounded his camp in a triangle pattern and circled the camp all night long. The creatures were vocalizing at him, the witness reports “It reminded me of… Read more »

How to upload your photo on SC

I want thank Debbie for posting this in the forums. Debbie writes: Upload Profile Photo alongside your Name….First you need to sign up with ((… “Gravatar”, this is what your profile image goes by. Create your free Word Press Account. You’ll need to Upload your Profile Photo, known as “Gravatar”. You select an image of… Read more »

Watch: Skunkape?

The original footage was really far away and details were too small. The owner of the footage Mitch W. recently uploaded an enhanced view of the “skunk ape” filmed at Alderman’s Ford Nature Preserve. I have asked Mark Zaskey to review the film as well.