A Paramedic’s Encounter

This encounter was sent to me and I would love to speak with the witness and see if he will come on the show. “Wes I’m a Paramedic on the coastal bend area in East Texas and I discovered your show about 7 months ago when one of these things started vocalizing at us and… Read more »

Watch: Ocheesee Pond Wild Man

Was a bigfoot captured in the swamps of Florida during the 19th century? According to the sotry of the Ocheesee Pond Wildman, it may have very well happened. This is one of the best bigfoot stories from the history of Florida.

Friday Nights Show

I am working on Friday nights show. I have two guests that have agreed to come on. One of the guests had activity around her property as a young girl and recalls seeing a very skinny creature under her window. The witness describes the creature in detail and talks about the property she lived on…. Read more »

Albert Ostman Preview

Albert Ostman (died 1975) was a Canadian prospector who reported that he was abducted by a Sasquatch and held captive for six days. He stated that the event took place near Toba Inlet, British Columbia in 1924. On August 20, 1957, police magistrate A.M. Naismith wrote an affidavit which states “…I found Mr. Ostman to… Read more »

Sundays Show: My Hunting Trip

I’m going to tell you a story of one of my hunting trips. One day my uncle asked me if I wanted to go elk hunting. I never turned down a hunting trip. He told me that we were going to a new area. There were six in our hunting party. We split into two-man… Read more »

Watch: Skunk Ape Watching Us

I find this video interesting if you fast forward to about the 2:45 mark the Trail to Bigfoot team shows a figure watching them. I thought at first the movement of the camera was causing the illusion of the movement of the figure but after watching it a couple of times I think these guys… Read more »

Port Chathams Bigfoot Story

I want to thank Harry M. for finding this story. “In 1990, while I was working as a paramedic in Anchorage, we got called out on an alarm for a man having a heart attack at the state jail in Eagle River. He was a native man in his 70’s and after I got him… Read more »

Bigfoot howl in central New York?

The YouTuber translucentorb writes “Recorded in eastern Oswego county in September of 2015. I wouldn’t say I’m a “believer”, but the recordings are interesting to say the least. Additionally, I have no academic or professional training or experience in zoology. Any info as to what type of animal makes these vocalizations would help satisfy my… Read more »

Watch: The Oklahoma Bigfoot Symposium

The MABRC hosted their annual Oklahoma Bigfoot Symposium this past weekend. In case you were unable to attend, here’s some footage from the event. In this video Randy Savig talks about the theory that bigfoot are able to mimic other sounds they hear, namely the calls of other animals.   Credit: http://bigfootevidence.blogspot.com

This guy is at it again

If I was ever lost in the woods while looking for a Sasquatch, I would want this guy with me. I am always amazed by his videos.

Listen: Six Sasquatch Encounters

According to the poster of this video, these 6 bigfoot encounter stories are all true. That makes them all the more creepier than they already are. Surprisingly, these are all stories I had never heard before.

An encounter from a listener

I would like to take a moment to share my Sasquatch related experience…many of you have likely had a similar experience to some degree or another, where a sighting did not occur but it did not make the experience any less “real”. And so I begin…. Five or so years ago I set out to… Read more »

SC EP:152 The roadside crossing [Members]

I will have it up in the podcast section for members shortly. Tonight I speak to Bryan who is from Oregon. He shares with us his encounters. His first possible encounter happened in CA. He was staying in a cabin out in the woods. In the period of two different mornings he saw a very… Read more »

SC EP:151 Last Man Standing [YouTube Version]

Tonight I speak with David who had a terrifying encounter with several Sasquatch’s. The men were in a remote location in Colorado and were out shooting targets when a very large ape-like creature stepped out of the bushes and was growling, screaming and showing its teeth. David describes what the creature looked like and describes… Read more »

Tomorrow Night: SC EP:152 The roadside crossing

Tomorrow night I will speak to two guest. One is a former law enforcement officer who was on a BFRO expedition and had an encounter with a Sasquatch. He describes a creature with its back to him at very close range standing straight up from the bushes and walking away. The second guest had an… Read more »

Sasquatch Summit WItness Townhall

Grays Harbor Sasquatch Summit 2014 witness testimony. It takes a lot of courage to come forward and share each experience since most sightings happen to people who do not believe that bigfoots exist. This can become very traumatic for the witness. The Summit is held the weekend before Thanksgiving in Ocean Shores Washington at the… Read more »

Woman outside home has clear daytime view of a Sasquatch

2015 Melville, Louisiana Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Michael Janakes: I spoke with with the husband “H” and wife “W”. Location is near Melville, Louisiana, NE of Lafayette. They are on a property that has 70 acres of land, most of which is heavy forest and swamp lands. Their land is adjacent to a… Read more »