YouTuber Bob Gymlan writes “When I was the night manager at a resort, one of my duties was to patrol the spa a couple times a night. On one of the first days with my first smart phone, I decided to take photos.
The ensuing photos are shocking, frightening, and clear. For eight years, I’ve held onto some of the best paranormal evidence I’ve ever seen. Strangely enough, I still am not sure what to make of the ghost phenomena, but I doubt it’s simplistic, and I’m certain it’s unsettling.”
Sharon H
Great video. Thanks Wes!
Ron S
Idk, the figure in the chair… The chair doesn’t look quite right. I realize it’s supposed to be turned at an angle but it still doesn’t match up with the angle of perspective to the floor. The back of the chair with no gradient of shadow seems off as well, but oddly behind the chair the ledge and pillows against the windows seems right again. Personally I’d say the “face” was a throw pillow or a green spa pillow, as it looks like pillows are plentiful in there… But just my opinion.
I wonder if the shadow figure was just because of the proximity and angle to the glass, you can already see light bouncing onto the right side of the wall off the glass at a distance which would be amplified with camera light or being closer… Just a thought. I wonder if he tried the same method later to debunk any of these things, or walked up closer to the phantom sitter or turned on a light to confirm it?