May 4

Bob Gimlin – Patty’s Facial Movements

The Patterson–Gimlin film was shot in 1967 in Northern California.

The footage was filmed alongside Bluff Creek, a tributary of the Klamath River, about 25 logging-road miles northwest of Orleans, California, in Humboldt County. The film site is roughly 38 miles south of Oregon and 18 miles east of the Pacific Ocean. For decades, the exact location of the site was lost, primarily because of re-growth of foliage in the streambed after the flood of 1964. It was rediscovered in 2011

5 Responses to “Bob Gimlin – Patty’s Facial Movements”

  1. craig b

    I heard that the original film has amazing Clarity and detail, whereas what we see on TV shows is usually a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy and loses so much of the original’s detail. Where can I view a second generation version to see that amazing detail?

  2. Trey

    Theres also a documentary that i cant rememeber the name of where Roger Patterson’s wife allows a professional videographer access to the original footage and he goes and takes a high quality digital photo of each frame and creates the highest quality video that can be produced with the technology we have today. Its the one you usually see Meldrum and them analyising because you can see the muscles in the legs, back and arms as the creature moves. Something that hollywood special effects people still cant do today without CG.

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