May 24

Bingo Was His Name O

Remember the big drunk guy from Houston? He is here to explain his side of things and what he remembers.

Here is a short clip:

25 Responses to “Bingo Was His Name O”

  1. Debbie C


  2. Thomas J

    Evidence you should wear a helmet playing football. Wes you have a lot more class than to ridicule this guy. Stick with your level of class and move on. But than again Bingo was his name O. What do you mean unnatural movement come closer and I will nibble on your ear? Next thing you ole Jed’s a millionaire. Is this guy related to Jethro Bodine?

  3. Renee S

    Wes, this guy certainly owes you an apology regardless of his drunken state. Who goes up to someone they’ve never even met & “spins” them around?!

  4. m99

    Do you know what happens when you kick a dead dog? It moves.

    Some things are better left alone. He had no apology. Heck most people would be thrilled for all the (albeit negative) attention you’ve given and falling over themselves apologizing. Not this guy.

    Between the booze and the football, something’s not right there. Let sleeping (or dead) dogs lie. Just saying…

  5. Thomas J

    I have chips, salsa and some tequila. Let the show rip and weeehaaa, let’s see if Bingo can ride for eight seconds or if it’s all bull. The show will be a great one. I said earlier Wes should not lower himself to the drunk mumbler’s level. Let’s see what happens and see how Bingo is his name O.

  6. Bal G

    Wes, seriously as a person who has lived in Texas my entire life, don’t take this personally. Remember, this is a state that elected Ted Cruz as a senator. Idiots run this state, and idiots live in this state. No rhyme or reason it is what it is. Like I said don’t get too worked up over it.

  7. devon c

    What a pathetic waste of your time this guy has been. You are to be commended for the polite restraint you’ve shown toward him. TBH I have no interest in listening to any more from a drunkard thinking he’s entitled to your attention. Well, at least now you know how gals feel about being approached by drunks in bars.

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