A listener sent this to me and while we really do not how many types there are I thought David Schlosser who put this site together did a great job with it. Here is a link, check it out if you get a chance.
“It is very probable that the sasquatch population, being composed of animals with a long life span, few offspring, and little culling by predators will display wide physical variations, seen in such reported aspects as facial features, diverse coat colors, and the large variance in foot proportions.” -Wolf Fahrenbach

Bigfoot Types: The North American Variations
Nobody knows how many bigfoot there are but, there are more than one. There are enough bigfoot living in North America that different types are being reported. The reported types differ from each other, but are consistent across eyewitnesses.

The Type 1 bigfoot, A.K.A. The Patty-type. This is the classic Sasquatch. It looks like a cross between a human and a Mountain gorilla (link) It has a large, powerful build, and thick, broad chest. Usually reported with black hair and gray skin. Other hair colors reported are cinnamon, and occasionally white. The head, though massive, has been described as relatively small for the body. Type 1s sometimes develop a sagittal crest which can look like a person wearing a hoodie. They have a conspicuous brow ridge with a receding forehead, giving the eyes a deep-set look. The eyes are hard to see, but have been reported to be proportionately further apart than a human’s eyes. Type 1s have a flat face with prominent cheekbones. A square jaw. The mouth region is only slightly protuberant. The nose is near human in shape, though “pug” or flat, sometimes with forward directed nostrils. The height average for the sampled population is 7’ 10, however, alpha males have been reported at 9′ and larger. The average Type 1 is estimated to weigh 650 lbs.

Type 2s seem more chimp-like than the Type 1s. They are hairy humanoids sighted in many areas of North America, but especially in the South.

Type 2s have a bestial Neanderthal man-like build and large eyes with a large pupil dialation for night vision like a cat. The hair is most often reported as black, but auburn, orange, and cinnamon have been reported. Average height is around 7′. A bit smaller than the Type 1s. Type 2s tend to be very territorial, and very aggressive towards dogs. They seem to kill a lot of livestock, especially the smaller varieties such as goats and chickens. Type 2s leave human-like footprints, but can seem very much like known primates, especially chimps, orangutans and Bili apes. These sightings could represent feral populations that have developed from abandoned pets or lab animals, and this is the interpretation given to reports by some researchers. However —in the U.S. — mystery hairy humanoids that resemble known primates are commonly known as bigfoot.

The Type 3 is often associated with something called a dog-man, and has become a bit of a catch-all for large hairy hominoid descriptions. The most consistent characteristics, however, describe a large, dog-bear-baboon-faced, bipedal mammal. They look similar to a bigfoot but more “savage” or primal. Type 3s can be extremely tall (10′ report – 15′ report) with oversized heads that look more monster-like than ape-like. They tend to live up in the mountains but will come down for food. The fur is usually dark, or deep brown. One witness reported seeing a Type 3 wearing animal pelts over their fur (hear report.) They may eat humans. But reports of man-eating are rare and often based on very old legends. Type 3s tend to incite reports of paranormal characteristics, like having glowing red eyes, or being bulletproof at close range.

Type 4 reports often come from the North/North East. They have been referred to as Early Man Bigfoot and the American Almas. They are the most human-looking of the hairy bipedal humanoids, possessing traits of archaic/prehistoric man. They’re typically a bit leaner than the Type 1s, but are still large, and well-muscled. A hairy Homo Heidelbergensis (link) is a decent model for the Type 4. There is less facial hair than reported on other types. The crown of the head can have thinning hair, be bald on top. They can have beards and moustaches ranging from just noticeable to fully grown. Type 4s have round (not conical) heads. Their noses are hooded. The mouth is wider than what we would consider normal. The teeth are square and human-looking. The skin color is pasty gray or black with a leathery appearance.
All members of the genus Homo developed and used tools. There are no reports of Type 4s using tools of any kind. If they are human — even pre-modern — why would they stop using ?

The Skunk Ape
The Skunk Ape is a large hairy, bipedal mammal that calls the Everglades home. Castings of their tracks confirm they have four toes. Male Skunk Apes stand up to 7 feet tall and can weigh more than 350 pounds. Females are considerably smaller, standing 5 – 6 feet tall and weigh 180 – 250 pounds. Both male and female are covered with reddish-black fur.
Most confirmed Skunk Ape sightings report an individual animal however, increasing sightings reported claim to have seen several Skunk Apes traveling together. These groups also known as troops are becoming more common.
Skunk Ape sightings are reported throughout Florida. It is estimated between 7 to 9 Skunk Apes live in the Everglades area. These sightings suggest the highest concentration inhabit the Florida Everglades. Big Cypress National Preserve offers the best opportunity for researchers to locate Skunk Apes. Often times Skunk Apes are sighted in close proximity of large cities. In one instance a Skunk Ape reportedly ran across I-75 in broad daylight.

Martin Z
I was listening to Monsters Among Us podcast yesterday and there was a caller who said he ran something over and killed it that looked like a 7 foot tall chimp with a muzzle. I’m assuming a type 3 sasquatch. The caller also said that some agency picked it up and was going to do an analysis on it to see what exactly it was. The caller didn’t say what the results were. Maybe Wes could some checking around and find out more info and let the rest of us know.
Come on Wes, give us some of that restricted info you hold back on because people like me really want to know.
Lewis S
This is rather incomplete. There are 3 size vaiations among them. Small often called littlefoot or devil monkey, wild boy etc. in Europe goblin. Man sized as with Tennessee wildman or some reports of Ohio grassman. skunk apes are often seen as smaller bigfoot. Boogers come in size differences. Big one 7 feet or larger up to what some call Mountain giants. The facial, body and behavioral options among these size groups adds a whole lot more to the mix. Hard as it is to get bigfoot accepted with too much information scaring off folks. What are the options and classifications accepted when the other qualities are taken to account? Thoughts people lets get dialogue started.
Matthew M
Don’t forget the Wedigo, the sharp toothed and long clawed cousin of the Type 1’s. They like the cold alpine areas and exclusively eat meat. Very dangerous!
Lewis S
Wnedigo types are among the wide variation in these things. Behaviors among the different size groups is quite a wide gamut. The larger man eaters world wide are horrific. The idea of man eaters were then and not now is nonsense. You must have survivors to tell tales, and Uncle Sam wants the lid kept tight on the subject. I know for a fact that they are eating people.
Michael D
The 411 website looks awesome. Could get lost for hours reviewing all the content. Thx Wes
Bal G
This is why this is the absolute best bigfoot/cryptid website in the world! Wes doesn’t mind giving others with an opinion or thoughts who have there own website or podcast a link. No agenda or ego, a heartfelt thank you Wes. Just no more interviews with Bob Gimlin. Just kidding, just kidding! He seems like a good guy. Keep up the good work.
I love this breakdown of the various types and glad you posted the link. I am in complete alignment with the idea of different types or subspecies – you can see it all over the animal kingdom. Environment can greatly dictate features and behaviors.
Hell – there are 10 types of squirrel in the Mojave and 18 types of mice / rats….. and that’s just one desert area!
Heidi H
Which type is the most commonly reported in North America? Which one is the most common in Washington State?