Jul 22

Bigfoot Odyssey: Sasquatch Theory

Kerry and Daniela from the Bigfoot Odyssey interview Miguel Ramirez from the YouTube channel Sasquatch Theory.

Miguel writes “In the summer of 2019 a group of sasquatches visited my property! I have since then dove in deep into the rabbit hole and have been exploring the topic in my own way. I believe it is possible to get amazing footage of these creatures even if it is a 5 second clip! My main goal is to just spread awareness of the bigfoot phenomenon and help people be more open minded to what mysteries have no yet been solved. I hope to venture into many different areas in the Ozarks and film and document my findings!”

Check out his channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxoEnj_MmdmaZn39_lYQMfQ/featured

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