Mark writes “Bigfoot Caught On Film Again-Florida research team pulls off another clip of a real bigfoot in Florida, mark deals with strange electrical shocks that mess with him and his camera/audio.”
Sasquatch Chronicles Blog
27 Responses to “Bigfoot Encountered In Florida”
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Rob C
Really have to stretch the imagination on this one
not me this guy is really good and how about his back up shes really good you need that out there…
Karen D
Nothing like being growled at from close range by a BF???? Careful out there????
Michael K
Creepy voice over work so unnecessary. Interesting on its own. Mark needs a small quad-copter set up to chase em.
Roy D
Yeah! Straight outta Florida! Yeah that Erie feeling that came over you is something very strange. Happened to me one night.
Steven W
That’s terrifying to think they walked that close to that thing, and did not know it was there. They could have easily been killed.
Michael C
I am certainly a believer in Bigfoot, but this video leaves me with a few questions. The 8′ tall Bigfoot behind the tree looks a lot like the animated creature talking at the end of the film. I am sure Mark is a great guy and I may be off base with my question…just calling it like I see it. Hopefully I am wrong because I do like Mark’s videos.
Karey E B
This was awesome footage; however, Mark’s own voice would be better than what’s currently being used–which makes it sound lame vs. serious research/investigative. This is why I only listen to SC–Wes doesn’t do gimmicky voices. He’s one of those: this is me, take it or leave it.
Gail W
Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure these folks are sincere and dedicated to the work they do. Everyone entitled to their opinion and here is mine. I don’t take serious any Sasquatch video where mood setting takes place, the eerie music and the scary movie voice leave me thinking I’m watching a movie trailer not a research video. I almost expected Moneymaker to pop up…….”That was a Squatch!” Sorry if I offended them or anyone else here, but that is my two cents.
Mark Z
We work hard every day to make educational and entertaining films for our fans. Critics are a trip, go film a bigfoot-make a movie since it’s so easy, let’s see what you can do-critics
Gail W
Mark sir, I apologize if my remarks above were taken as a slap at the outstanding research you have done. I’m not a Troll or a hater, I can’t get enough info on the Squatch, but I tend to lose interest quickly if a video is not strait and direct to the point. The remarks below by William Travis R are very more much in line of what I meant, but obviously I did not choose the correct verbiage to present it. Again, my apologies to you and your team.
diana m
Really good stuff! Thanks Mark.
Woohoo, you’re coming over here to myakka swamp next time? Watch for the bear, hawgs & monkeys besides the gator & snakes. These guys are having pretty good luck.
The 8′ BF behind the tree looks like the animated character, because Mark drew the character,
depicting the one he sees in the area; the one behind the tree! Personally , I think his videos are some of the best and I rarely have trouble seeing what he is filming.
I know, You want little red circles and yellow arrows….me too ’cause I am just that lazy lol.
yes how right you are
Katherine D
Mark, this video you made is THE BEST BF/skunk ape/bush Indian footage ever recorded(in my opinion). Critics are such in this case probably because of jealousy.
Come on ppl! He and Melanie caught it from two angles!!! No body has done this before and it was not accidental. This footage exists because of Mark & Melanie’s hard work and good planning.
Don’t pay any attention to the jealous critics. I so very much so enjoy your full production. It is top notch and I personally love it! I started following your YouTube channel and every time I see a new video from CryptorReality I get excited and watch it right away. A group of us watched the video 3 times last night and it made my day.
Thank you! Please know that we love your work and want more. You two are at the number 1 spot in my researchers list.
I think getting some inferred equipment to use in the day may help you two. Would you be able to see a heat signature during the day? (I think so….)
brad b
Great video Mark. Just in terms of style I would lose the southern-fried narrator and do it yourself. You’ve got a good voice for it.
Steven J
Is Mark trying to get a deal with a network to make a show?
Mark I don’t think those above comments were intended in a negative bag-on-you way but more in the everyone who listens to Sasquatch Chronicles regularly thinks of you almost like one of their favorite friends and they’re just trying to let you know how things are coming across to them as a way to give you feedback you can use. Constructive criticism not destructive trollish criticism. More like here on Sasquatch Chronicles’s site, people are possibly seeing it–their role as viewers of your expression of your work–as something more akin to a film or storytelling class and you, our favorite friend, just presented your work and people are trying to let you know what worked and what didn’t work for them with your piece with a collective unspoken presumption that you are on the cusp of something larger than this, our Wes and Woody created safe little BigFoot home, and people want to give you their honest take on the public face of your work (by which I’m taking about your videos) so you can best tailor the tone to continue hitting grand slam after grand slam as it’d sure suck for everyone if through some unanalyzed choice in presentation you came across as phony when the whole kick ass thing about you and Wes and Woody (and sorry I just blanked on your girl’s name or I would’ve added her too) are so goddam down-to-earth and real. Not contrived in any way.
Blah blah blah I’m just trying to let you know that if you can do it, don’t let yourself get defensive cuZ if there’s anywhere on-line you can presume you’re among friends then Sasquatch Chronicles is it.
After about 20 years of screwing around making short films myself the one nugget of solid take-home-message I came away with as far as trying to become a better filmmaker/storyteller is this single simple irrefutable fact: The audience is never wrong.
For whatever all that is worth.
Jan W
Nice job, Mark. Please be careful. Not just of Bush Indians, but all the other critters that roam Myakka. Appreciate the post and wishing you and Melanie a happy new year!
Robert H
Don’t quit your day job
Jarred N
I like the videos and the voice over narrator. Kinda sound like Waylon Jennings from the Dukes of hazard. I look forward to the videos mark. Keep it up. Critics will always be critics. Like u said if they think it’s so easy let them try.
randolph w
Very interesting to see the difference in behavior, and how much cover they have down in Florida. Love the production, but can’t wait to have Marc in the nw for.some more with wes. Love the video.
Leah G
All of it great. Thanks for taking the time and effort to share – look forward to seeing more.
Kay S
Thanks Mark and Melanie. Please be careful.
Lisa D
Did anyone notice (possible) eye shine at 10:56, 11:00 & again at 11:04 for a few seconds, all the way to the very far FAR left side of screen & also to the left of a tree. It comes in & out of camera view as it goes side to side a few times. It looks very low to the ground & of course it can very well just be an insect, but just a little something I noticed, they were also hearing noises at the time.
Ted G
Boy it really looks like at 10:56 on the left there looks to be eyeshine. It may be a trick of the light but it sure looks like the source looks away and then back again. Mark if you can on your original footage go back to the 10:56 point and look to the left what I am guessing is farther back then the bush that you where focused on. I saw the same thing Lisa D pointed out but after reading her post I went back to look again sadly I am looking at this on a phone with limited video controls so I am not sure what it is maybe you can see it better. On another point, someone suggested a quad copter where you could back off to a relatively safe distance and fly in over the area in question and take a look. If you can hook up with a local hobby shop that specializes in this technology I bet you they would love to come with you and do the fly over for you. With a GPS coordinate and the new FPV technology someone could fly right in and take a look from a safer distance. The reason for the hobby shop connection is so that you don’t have to spend the cash for all the tech and some of these hobby guys are great quad pilots. Didn’t Wes have a guest on recently that had the high end quad copter tech and was willing to travel, if so bring him along. Just suggestions. Stay safe and always look at any criticisms as a chance to improve even if the criticism seems harsh, see if there is any useful info in it, and then let the rest just roll away. If you have a quality product it will stand the test of time. One more thing, there seemed to be electrical interference/attack at one point. If anyone can suggest a type of sensing equipment that they could carry to coroborate the visual evidence and help figure out what actually is happening please let the community know. Mark and company could use it to figure out how to identify the type of what I am guessing is a sonic wave of some kind, it’s frequency, amplitude, etc. Gather as much data as you can about the attack so yhat we can figure out how to counteract the effects such as generating your own wave that nullifies or supresses its effectiveness. It would be nice to arm people with defensive measures.
Andrew B
Mark, Do you have orbs floating in front of you when video starts? Anyway, this is a superb video. Excellent job. It’s difficult it rationally explain what/how your camera was disrupted but CLEARLY something was interfering with the electronics within that device. Infrasound and directed frequency waves can seemingly disrupt anything. Very professionally done.