Bigfoot and Beyond writes “James “Bobo” Fay goes solo in this episode! The Bobes speaks with Angie, an Ohio resident who has been documenting her experiences with her mysterious neighbors for years. Check out Angie’s YouTube channel here:”

Sue P
she is from Snow White Bigfoot…have listened from the beginning…
Sue P
i wish she had videos or pics of the big guys (girls)…
Glen K
(New Jersey) Sue, I haven’t listened to the entire interview, but does she explain why she doesn’t have more pictures
or videos ?
Brian L
Bobo seemed a bit like a lost sheep without Cliff to guide him….. But absolutely Love their podcast…. And Everyone should read Matt Pruitt’s
book The Phenomenal Sasquatch…..
michelle m
Angie has a soft spoken voice reminds me of someone very special to me. I can understand how they would connect to her! She is very blessed to have this connection. I seen tracks when I was 19 yrs old in Tawas Michigan so many yrs ago in the snow. I never gave bigfoot a thought then , I am or was an avid bird watcher for years . Been to many great places in the world, but my last trip I was hiking in Uwharrie National Forest in NC in 2023 and took my dogs for a walk around midnight and had the scariest howl so close to me . I knew right away what it was, because I have read hundreds sighting on many bigfoot podcast and listened to so many sounds. I want nothing more to prove these guys exist, I believe they are part human , science may disagree but what I have read they are very intelligent and have very human characteristics. Angie if you need help in your research please contact me , I am not young but help in many ways. Blessings
Charles R
Hi Michelle. Great find in Tawas, Michigan. I have been to Tawas many times, quaint Lake Huron Coastal town at the top of the western Thumb. I bet you know where the Sand Lake Region of Iosco County is – 10 miles NW of Tawas. My Sister and Brother in Law bought a lake cabin there in 2002 on western side of Round/Indian Lake on Latham Lane which we visited a couple of times every year, at least, and always for a one week family reunions on July 4th. Both my wife and myself have heard the Ohio Howl, me in July 2011, my wife in Sept. 2012 coming from the north in the Huron National Forest. In early Feb. 2011 we took our snowmobiles (we live in SW Ohio) up there due to the tremendous amount of ATV and snowmobile trails. It had snowed about 20 inches the day before having stopped around 3 am. The next moringing at 8 am I took my 2 golden retrievers for a walk down Lathan Lane to the north where it meets up with the forest. The very last house at corner of Latham Lane and county road there was a straight line huge tracks leading from Latham Lane, which just got plowed, towards this house. At 6 feet I could not extend my legs out far enough in this snow to reach the next step. The trackway went up to the 4 to 5 foot cyclone fence of the property, then it stepped over the fence, made a few steps along the fence on the other side, and stepped back over and out to the road where of course the plowing has erased them. I was afraid of my snow loving Goldens following me and wiping out the tracks. Instead they stayed at the road as I got caught up in what I was investigating. They barked furiously at me the entire 10 minutes or more and when I got back to the road they made a mad dash back to my Sister’s Place about 600 yards or so.
Again, a great find from you, I wonder how many folks back then would have noticed, let alone keep this terrific memory. I have read several great reports from Oscoda to the north of Tawas. I also remember in my youth in the 60s, those jets coming out of Wurtsmith AFB in Oscoda and breaking the sound barrier from time to time and rattling our house windows and such where I grew up in Midland, MI. Also the neighbor next dor to my Sisters Cabin, Rob, had a horrifying for him very close sighting while bow deer hunting in 2000 in Iosco County of a Nine footer male. He held onto to this for years, but told me in 2011 when he found out I had a keen interest in Bigfoot. He still had some PTSD 11 years later and his voice crackled with the fright he experienced. He said he quit hunting that very day, just knowing these creatures were out there and thought I was nuts for wanting to see one.
michelle m
Hi Charles,
Small world I was born in Bay City Michigan? I now live in NC. The prints I seen in Tawas were at a friends cabin that was just being built. We had just a basement with a wood stove. It snowed a lot that evening and when we got up that morning we found these tracks all around the cabin. We called his dad and told him what we found and his dad called a local fellow down the road and he came out and called someone else and shortly after, we had a team from a local college come out and were doing all kind of measuring and casting with heaters. We were clueless and ask them what made these tracks and they said bigfoot, of course my friend said it was ridiculous there was no such thing.
Charles R
No kidding, Bay City, one third of the Tri Cities. Which High School – Central, Handy, Western? I played football and baseball for the Midland High Chemics and of course we played all these schools and being only 12 miles or so away, I have been there many times. Bay City is IMO that Eastern Michigan gateway to the North. Anyway thanks for more of this story. I am amazed that a local college investigative team came out and then stated Bigfoot tracks, especially back in those days. The Bigfoot could have been privy to this area for some time, and decided to come check out the new construction, one just never knows.
Steve S
Any way to view all of her evidence she’s collected?
Charles R
Hi Steve. Go to Snow White Bigfoot youtube and she has her own channel and just an amazing amount of documentation and video of her collection and a good many hand prints on their vehicles. Some day I will go through a bunch of this. She would also make a great guest for the SC. I liked when Bobo mentioned to put an easle out in the yard with finger paints for them to use on it. She then talked about drawing pads or such she put out there for them. They had been in the yard and were talking about the Nuthatch birds going up and down the trees, which they do. Then the next day there was a rudimentary type drawing of a bird.